I like the graphic element of this entry. The lettering is good, but not great. The only thing with the graphic element is it reminds me a lot of the AT&T logo and I wouldn't want people to think we're copying that. I'm not sure if ther's a way you could differentiate it further, but this would be a much better entry if you could.
I like the z on the shield concept of #103, but after looking at it for awhile, it looked a bit too much like zzvelo. Perhaps if the shield were above the zvelo?
If you only have time to work on one, though, please try submitting another version of #104. I like the idea of a river or road of data on a shield, but when you stand back from this, it suddenly looks like a bear eating a fish. It may look better if you can put a little bit of negative space around the design and then an outline stroke around that so that the shape of the shield is more dominant and it again looks like a single element with a design rather than two interacting elements.
Thanks for the feedback and I really get were you're coming from with most of your observations. I will revise the designs and submitt shortly. Thanks again!
refined version of the stylized z in the shield. The whole mark suggests protection, ease of use (by its simplicity) and is dynamic but still friendly. Also it is recognizable to your brands for its uniqueness
We've been having lots of debates and discussions as we try to judge the logos and pick a winner. I think your logo #173 has the broadest appeal, but there's one criticism that keeps coming up: its a little too delicate. Some of your other entries, like #196, are less delicate, but we're not as fond of the arrow on the bottom of the shield.
Could you please take #173 and attempt to make it a bit bolder / less delicate? Perhaps thickening up the lines that poke out from the shield or putting a stroke or shadow on the parts where the shield meets the z? Alternately, perhaps a little bit of depth to the shield (a 10 degree rotation?) would give opportunity to address that criticism.
If you're not able to generate a couple of alternatives, please let me know since we have some very close second choices if only they are tweaked. But if you can address that, I think you're our winner.
By the way, we're not looking for a drastic change here. This overall look and feel is good...
with added depth(to the text also), angle and subtle shadow. Let me know about any minor changes you may want to see to the design and I will follow-up promptly.
These are much better. I'm not sure if I like #258 or #256 better, but they're both improvements.
Regarding the 10 degree thing -- the way you rotated them is not what I meant. I was looking for a 3d rotate to give some depth and substance. I've hacked up an example using photoshop, which you can see here:
Yes it's possible. I was thinkin today that you might have meant that:) I can provide both versions either way (with shine and without). I'll submit the new revised version in half an hour Thank you!
made the bottom line of the Z a little thinner to match the rest of the letter. it felt a little thick... also tilted the shield a bit so that the z looks horizontal, in case you preffer it this way
#270 looks good. Sorry to make you work so hard for this, but as we narrow in, we get lots more feedback, then agreement, and more marching orders. So I think the z and shield are good in #270. But now we have some requests on the text. It feels funny to people that the "L" is upper case while the "e" is lowercase. I know that's the style choice and it works for me, but the vote is to make it all lowercase, which means an "l" that sticks up above the other letters. If you could then somewhat balance this with the "v", that would be great. Something like this: