enzyme, I like your work and notice that you have a few IT company logo's under your belt as well. I definitely like some of the creative things you came up with for them. The little flags don't quite fit the look I'm going for, but I'd like to see some other ideas if you have them. Love things like the artnet protech, systemic logic, and sharp IT logos, with systemic logic probably the best.
enzyme, this design has promise, but for 2 reason's I'm struggling with it. First, my wife says it reminds her of the Incredibles logo and I totally see that. #2, I'm less of a curvy guy and more of a straight lines kind of guy. If you have some different ideas here, I'm certainly open to see them. Thanks!
Man, I just realized I haven't responded to your designs. SO SORRY! I like this as a concept to work from. I'd like to see variations of #100, preferably with a 2D focus. Be creative on it and we'll whittle it down. Thanks! Let me know when you're ready to post and I'll move you into the top 5.
enzyme, I might be missing something, but those designs all seemed to be the same symbol more or less with different background and type face. I'm really looking for something different on the symbol itself. It looks too close to a flower right now. I'm really looking for other ideas around the symbol. Text, background, etc. will all be things to work on later. Does that make sense?
Wow, talk about pulling it off in the 11th hour! This logo is awesome! Thank you for sending it on white as well. That helped. IT's a touch hard to read against the white, but I don't think that can be helped. Now that we've got a design here that I can stand behind, I'd love to see if you have any other ideas or variations of this specific logo? Sorry to ask so late in the game. I'd have loved to have had this logo a few days ago so we could take our time on it.
On the text, could we make it a bit more bold without increasing it's height too much? I'd like to see this logo in a few variations of the font as well.
In #202, I see that you added some yellow connectors between some of the elements, right? You also made it two toned which was great just from what I've been asking for design wise. I do actually like the shading of the #201 logo so I"m going to leave that in first place, but all of the things in #202 were great for me to see and I'll definitely incorporate them in my business in different ways, so nice job.
Thanks for the work on the text. I'll work through those and see which one I like. In the mean time, any more creative variations or tweaks on the symbol? I love it, but want to know if there is something else I might love more. Thanks again!
Alright, on the font, I think the closest one to one I like is on 206, but it feels a little too bold. Can you reduce the weight just a touch and put a little more space between Insight and IT? Can you also make the text just a hair bigger? I like the font height of 201.
Also on #203, can you increase the font height a touch?
I think I like the width of the last T on #203 the best as well.
Additionally some more font options would be helpful as well. I know there are a million to choose from and wish I had a straight suggestion for you...
Other than any design tweaks you may have for #220, I don't think so. I'm really weighing between the top two logos right now (#210 and #220). I'm waiting on some revisions for #210, so if you have any ideas in the mean time that you want to post, let me know and I'll bump you back into first place. Thanks!
Alright, I'm really digging this design. Can you do #255 as dark grey instead of black? #256 as well, more gray than white. In the end, I think we're good on this design, but are just trying to find the right versions of 2 tone as well as gradient. And really, I guess if we can get all of these variations included in the file at the end, I'm about ready to declare you the winner. Heading to bed and will catch up with you in the morning.