impronovaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / impronova

impronova has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 594 designs from 57 different designers from around the world.








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font and boldness of text is good
logo element doesnt work - doesnt give anything symbolic to company services - and I cant relate to it

can you refer to extra guidelines given to designers and also refer tp competitor sites for any inspiration

also as logo will primarily be used on business cards and letter headed papen bolder colours can be used for logo element . maroon colour I have seen used to some good effect on similar.

logo must be solid and portray professional outlook (font does this already I think)

thanks for the constribution so far
14 years ago
The logo actaully reminds me of the Chrysler car emblem !!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Bursting star element was meant to play off the word "nova."

I'll work on some other ideas.


14 years ago
ok I get the busting star part

however in the name impronova - the nova part is the meaningless part

imp - improvement
pro - process, professional, procurement
nova - well we had to end the name somehow and nova - new seemed as good as anything but really has nothing to do with the business

so forget about the nova part
14 years ago
#107 and #108, whist nice designs, they dont give anything to me regarding company and product/services
i think they are probably cogs, which i had suggested might work, but probably this would be cog inside a cog and now interlinking cogs seperate from each other. the logo part extends too far below the name part.

at the moment until we get a concept just supply one colour variant, we can sort colours out later

i dont think i would use the pale blue (cyan) colour on the company logo.
14 years ago

Unfortunately #136 does not work
the cod concept has got lost within a coloured pink sphere

it doesnt work

fresh ideas needed

both text fonts, size and boldness work fine
just logo concept

looking forward to some fresh thinking
14 years ago
Can you try #93 in a a darker bolder colour
plum/crimson, dark blue, deep orange or similar

I am wondering whether a stronger colour might show more confidence in the brand
assessment results, authority, cerification etc
14 years ago
Logo Designer
bolder colors as requested

(This comment references Entry #195)
14 years ago

hoping you have further inspirations for logo part

i am stuck in Franfurt airport waiting 6 hours for onward flight to Sydnet and then Canberra
there will be no inputs from me for at leat 36 hours !
14 years ago
Logo Designer
changes as requested

(This comment references Entry #262)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
changes as requested

(This comment references Entry #263)
14 years ago
Use darker colours
orange, red, royal blue

try normal globe (without countries)

Try concentric rings as vertical cuts, not 45 degree cuts
cut the rings completely through the globe

lets see what happens
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This batch represents globes without counties, and reorientation and colors as requested.

(This comment references Entry #266)
14 years ago

Sorry in last comment I said vertical cuts but i meant HORIZONTAL cuts

Lets stay with the blue colour
Can you
1. can you turn #269 90 degrees anti clockwise so cuts are horizontal
2. can yoiu try another variant with wider cuts (white space)

14 years ago
and can we try #196 in blue (the same colour as in #269)

14 years ago
and can we try #296 in a slightly larger text for comparison
14 years ago
Question : Is the text font used a standard text font that is available from word etc, or a special font used in design only
14 years ago
Logo Designer
the font is a standard font, although two of the characters have been altered slightly to fit better and to create a truly unique look. I'll upload you new samples in a few minutes.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Revisions as requested

(This comment references Entry #281)
14 years ago
#282 turn the globe by 45 degrees clockwise so concentric circles are in same orientation as #266)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
revision of #282 as requested

(This comment references Entry #292)
14 years ago
I think I prefer #266 & #292 design - sometimes original is best

So I would like your input on the following
1. which size text do you think is the best with the logo
2. from a design point of view, is it best if the text is placed mid way between the globe, level with the bottom of the globe, or other and whether this also has an impact on the size of the text

regarding final choice of horizontal or slanting concentric circles I will have to get opinions of others in the judging phase
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm partial to #292 in almost every respect, the slant orientation is slightly more dramatic, and the proportions and alignment of the type feels more stable. Also, I'm not sure if you can really make it out at such a small sample size, but the interior of the globe has a nice glow to it, as though there is a light source inside it.

As for top and bottom aligment, I'll post two samples for you to look at, but feel free to dump them if they're not to your liking.


14 years ago
Logo Designer
alignment alternatives to #292

(This comment references Entry #293)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
alignment alternatives to #292

(This comment references Entry #294)
14 years ago
#294 i see doesnt work with text at top
#293 is see doesnt work either as the letter p protrudes too far down

Regarding #292 - I could see that there is something different to #266 but coulnt tell exactly what it was - certainly on my laptop screen i cant see that the interior of the globe has a nice glow to it, as though there is a light source inside it.

Will the difference be noticable, especially on printed business cards, and on letter headed paper ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Laptop screens are difficult for preview. The glow will show in print at most sizes when using good commercial printing. I'll post a stacked version of the logo so you can see the sphere better.

14 years ago
Comparing #266 and #292, it looks like the slant on the concentric circles is different ?
is that correct ? or is it just an illusion ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Larger glow sample

(This comment references Entry #295)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The gaps on #292 were adjusted to look better at the sharper 45 degree angle.
14 years ago
#295 - now thats dramatic, i can see clearly
it looks highly professional, very confident in text font and something a little different to the norm which gives to me an impression of innovation in approach and services
the text protrays something a little different to the norm
the logo incorporates a globe, which indicates global customer reach , most of business is international
the globe is cut with steps which is a new play on maturity levels and forward looking
blue is a bold but actually calming effect
the shadow under globe really adds to the design
so i think this well meets the design brief
Well Done

If there was an option for a different colour what would you choose?
Knowing that the colour needs to be a strong colour but not overpowering
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A tweaked version, slightly more dramatic

(This comment references Entry #296)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm partial to the blue as a first choice, with plum/deep crimson as an alternative.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Gradients at 20, 40, and 60% respectively

(This comment references Entry #465)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Stacked versions of the 20, 40 and 60.

(This comment references Entry #468)
14 years ago

just a question the, my understanding is that #296 and #458 are both the same 20 pitch
but #296 looks much too white

is that only because of size of globe that this is showing up ? or is #296 a different pitch

I think we will go with 40, but i will ponder for a few more hours
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I think seeing more surface area contributes to a sense of less color saturation. The smaller samples tend to appear more dense. Please let me know if you'd like to see anything else.
14 years ago
The final 'tweek'

On most other entries the text length is between 10-15 percent less than on #446
Could you produce one variant each of #466 and #469 with a reduced the text length of 10-15 percent for comparison and look and feel.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
15% reduction in type

(This comment references Entry #508)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
15% reduction in type

(This comment references Entry #509)
14 years ago
#509 with the mid-sized globe as in #469 (you produced with the bigger globe!)
14 years ago
Is #508 40pt as it looks darker colour then #466 (which is 40pt ?)
We decided to go with 40pt, or did you change the colour slightly ?

Just a little confused :(
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Alec-

On the more recent samples, they are 40% but I'm using a more advanced color matching system to help with the discrepancy you noticed in the PDF. #508 is a more accurate representation of the actual Pantone color.

As for the sizing, the most recent samples represent a 15% reduction in the type, relative to the globe. Because I work at a much larger size than the samples you see, I have to resize each one prior to upload. Because the dimensions and centering change from batch to batch, they are not always sized to match each other. If it's helpful to you, I can try to match the revisions as closely as possible.

14 years ago
John - thats ok, but the colours do look different - and dont worry i do like the colour in the latest postings

but then I am going to be a real pine in the *** and ask you to repost #446 and #449 using the 'more advanced color matching system' so i can compare accurately

Final choice will be 446/449 (re-posted) or 508/509

And I am sure you know what else I am going to ask -
From your point of view as a designer which of the two combinations do you think will work best
The use is goint to be predominantly for letterhead paper and for business cards

Thanks, over and out !
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The early ones are reposted as #522 and #523. Overall, I like the weight and balance of 508 and 509. But they're very close.


14 years ago

Just a question/clarification

#508 and #509 are using the smaller font
#522 and #523 are using the larger font

but the logo element on #509 appears to be larger than that on #523 ?
Am I correct ? Should this be so ? Are the logos in both the right size in realtionship to font size etc ?

No real problem here, just trying to understand
14 years ago
The impronova competition is shortly coming to a close

There are 7 designers from which the top rankings will be made
You are one of the 7 designers

The judging and final ranking will be completed by Wednesday, due to views being sought from company employees.

At this point there is no significance in any rankings shown during the running of the competition
All entries fro the 7 designers are in place for the top rankings

Thankyou for your great efforts in this competition
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#509 represents a 15% reduction in type size relative to the globe.


14 years ago
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