I understand this tournament has taken a long time, and I don’t blame you for just wanting it over. I wish I could just pick and be done, but my boss asked for 1 specific change for his four favorite logos, and then he’ll choose. Thanks for all the work you’ve done.
All we want to see is this logo without a box around “Dental Partners”—you’re one of four designs we’re considering from a huge field and we’d like to be done today.
Hi, Extradapper. Our owner has this in his top 5 designs. He's hoping to see a little fine-tuning to this design: Could we see a version where the entire logo is bigger within the frame? It makes comparison to other logo designs easier. He's also wondering if we can see a version without the box around "Dental Partners"? Thanks for you help!
We'll be temporarily moving a few other designers into the top spot throughout the next couple of days, but I wanted to let you know that your designs are in our top 10 choices right now. Thanks so much for you work!
Hi, Extradapper. Our owner likes your designs quite a bit. Can we see a few variations on these? At this point, there's nothing we see that needs changing, but any new design choices you'd like to try would be welcome. The owner does seem to like images that have arrows or trajectories or a sense of movement/impact. Thanks
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