Thank you for ranking. Please tell me if you can be more specific about what you mean with the word immediate? It will be my pleasure to assist you with any changes to make the best design for your logo.
Yeah, better. For immediate I mean that IM11 (sounds I am...) should be understood quickly. I like the idea of the "mirror", but I feel that the M is not read as an M at first glance. Maybe working with colours and lines (e.g. tracing a border to the M... i don't know...) we can have a quicker comprehension of the "double sense".
You got what I meant. Excellent! Now, what about trying the same idea with different font? Don't you think that the 1 (and the M) are too large? what about some font "taller"? Or with corners instead of curves (in the M). I'm not sure that will suit better, it's just an idea...