Hi, sorry, been away from my desk. No problem, I'll get cracking with some revisions for you. Glad you like them. Will get something uploaded later today. D
Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do. It may be I could try coloring the H and C differently - and match these colors to the Hopper and Chopper - this may help. Might try changing the shape of the H slightly too. Also, just as a thought. Have a look at the icon when it's straight rather than tilted - do you think you can see the letters easier in this version?
Will upload some alternatives tomorrow.
Happy to amend. Want to get something that's right for you.
Blink said my entry was like his. He logged a complaint that I copied him. My original design was nothing like his - you asked me to move the position of the icon to the top and change the color also, so I did. He then said it was like his and all the other designers in this comp voted against me while I was asleep overnight so i couldn't defend myself (UK time difference).
This is really unfair and out of line considering my design wasn't like his to start with. He has done this out of pure badness - totally unfair. Can you contact Logo Tournament to back me up as I also contacted them today about this.
In addition he has the audacity to steal my design for himself and use it - please can you do something about this - look at his icon now - it's almost exactly the same as my design was only his is not as good or as strong. I am so p*ssed about this that I seem totally helpless to defend myself here.
Could you also send an email to Logo Tournament about this? Would you mind. It backs me up also as I have emailed them regarding this. Do you have any way to reject his design from the tournament? I'll see if there's any way I can re-submit my entry.
If you report him to Logo Tournament I might be able to get somewhere with re-loading the file.
As you say. my design was posted before his and he has now copied my design and I feel helpless to do anything about it.
Hi Kapt, thanks for doing that. I understand you don't want any politics - and as the client I 100% agree that you shouldn't have to deal with any of this - you are only after a logo at the end of the day. Hopefully they let me come back on board and I can get on with creating the logo you want.
Hi Kapt. Amended versions of the logo as discussed. I've given a few options on the HC standing out a bit more based on the two designs you like best. Also slightly changed the angle of the icon.Let me know what you think.
Hi Kapt, amended designs as requested. 2 options on the font. The first uses a cut version of the original font I used. The other is an ESPN styled font as requested. Let me know if you'd like any other amends. D
Hi Kapt, I notice you're starting to prefer more of the picture style logos, so I've re-worked my design to fit in with this style. I've used many elements that you seem to be proud of, like your patriotism and being based in texas - also used a tattoo (Ed Hardy) inspired american eagle to suggest the flight aspect of your services. The good thing about this is that you can still make use of the original icon that you seemed to really like at the start. I've tried to design in the mind of how it would look on the back of a flight jacket - so to show this, I've also placed it on a black background. Hope you like the new version. Let me know if you'd like any changes. Thanks.
Hi Kapt, new designs attached. Have made the HC stand out a lot more, taken away the eagle and made the colors much more themed along Texas - I think it's now standing out really well. Let me know if you'd like any other changes. THanks. D
Youre moving up the rankings fast...hope my contest helps.
Getting a lot closer.......Time to make one last modification......On the heli......how bout making the H black and the C (tail) gray.....Trying to get the heli to pop a little more without taking away from the red white blue theme. If you have any other suggestions on how to make that happen, let me know. Might even try making it just a hair bigger, but not much. Very proportionate right now.
Damn this is hard to judge....there is some great work out there. You should be proud.
Hi Kapt, no probs, I'll sort this and upload some new designs.
Thanks for the compliments - I'm really trying to get well founded on this site as I feel it's a great place for a designer like me to be. There's so much variety to work on out there.
I'll be in touch over the weekend - thanks for the feedback, as ever, it's appreciated.
Hi Kapt, hope the weekend's been good. Some amended versions attached. I think the HC is really standing out a lot better now. I made it bigger (still keeping in proportion though) and beefed up the white line around it. I also raised it up from the main name a bit. Played around with the colors too and included a black and grey version too. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. Thanks. Derek