Looks good. I like it (all three) and you made my cave etchings have a life! Now you have captured my drawing, but, I'm no designer. with or without clouds? With or without the notes above? Not sure about upper case or lower case...both have appeal. What if you took a totally Deanna approach without my cave paintings...I'd love to see? Thanks so far and once again we are loving what you have done! chefsoul1 1.11.09
#11 is HOT!!! worried about transferabilty and clarity in different mediums...I am concerned whether a logo looks good in all it's glory or black and white. Does the background translate well in most mediums? No complaints, just sharing D. I see that you get it and you are a professional. eep it moving and know that we are in a congruent path.
I envision your thoughts with a main logo that we can pull smoke or colors from as needed per application while maintaining the integrity of the origina;l when it's used for different applications...can you feel me on this?
also can you show me the logo with a less dark or no background behind the words "Holy Smoke" please. We really like your design and I am leaning towards what you have submitted more and more! Thanks!
we want #36 with "bar, restaurant & bbq" in the same font as # 36 with the blue/black background...you rock baby!!! with this change we will award you as the winner immediately!
and we need to see #36 with the blue/black as well...for both the background we are referring to in in the banner. either way your designs will be at the front of all we are doing!