Her Own WayLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Her Own Way

Her Own Way has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 174 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.




Thanks so much, madnira! This is a great way to kick off the logo tournament. I like the overall concept. How might we focus more on the "spirit" than the physical body? Think creativity, zest, joy, moxie.
12 years ago
I still really like this overall concept. How about playing with a clean, crisp san serif font and moving in tighter on the body to show the upper torso only? Color? Thanks again!
12 years ago
Your initial submission without any variations is still ranked in my top 10, even after more than 70 other submissions. It has a very nice feel to it. Would love to see you play around with it or other options if you are still interested in this project. The open phase ends tonight. Thanks!
12 years ago
Thanks for the new designs. Glad to see you are still interested. I like this.
12 years ago
I really like #107 on the white background. Might it be possible to make it not quite so curvy in the chest? Also, I have not decided if I prefer to type to the right or below. Both treatments are nice. Were there any other fonts you were considering for the name that I might take a look at? Thanks so much!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
hi leeannewhite,

less is more, i believe. simplicity is the key. easy to use, easy to recognize, elegant on any color or surface. the logo says something, it compels one think. #115 i refer here.

12 years ago
Thank you, madnira. #107 still works better for me. Better body proportions, and the body better fills the square. Both fonts work; I haven't decided which I prefer yet.
12 years ago
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