Hi. Welcome to LT. My first effort represents the following 4 elements: wealth/real estate(3 bars), strength(shield), mechanical gear(action and planning), and scales(obvious!). While I had intended on using 4 non-traditional elements in the design, when I thought of bankruptcy, I came up with a shattered piggy bank and didn't think it gelled with the other elements. I am happy to provide that concept if interested. Thank you in advance for any feedback or critical input you have!
You have picked up the themes very well. The drop shadow provides depth with a very small element. Nicely done.
The color choice is well within the description that I provided. Please remember that I have the artistic abilities of a four year old but the art appreciation of a college sophomore of that major. The problem is that you have done what I asked, but the green and cream do not turn out very complimentary, do they? To the extent that the cream is negative space on parchment stationary it may work. To the extent that it is a website graphic, I have my doubts.
For the shield icon, is there a fortress icon that might work. Hackneyed, I know. Or, if a shield, would one with a stronger triangular shape be more indicative of a shield such as appears at http://www.fleurdelis.com/shields.htm?
The gear suggests to me "process" and "consistency." One of the greatest insults you can make of an estate planning attorney is that he runs a "trust mill," meaning that he charges money for putting the client's name on a form document and does it hundreds of times a year. I worry that the gear plays too much into this stereotype.
Thanks for all the feedback! That is always most helpful in reaching a design you love. I have provided a color change and have included the triangular shield idea as well as the fortress concept. I realize they are not necessarily desired on the same logo, however, I thought I would show you what they each look like in one entry. If you happen to like them as you see them, great. If not, I am happy to revise.
As to shield vs. fortress, the new shield is an improvement, but on a scale of 1-10 on concept preference, I prefer the fortress as an 8 rather than the shield's 7. Implementation so far goes to the shield as an 8 than the fortress which is a 5.
The fortress has power and strength from height and strength. A short wall looks easy to scale. With these diamonds, that may be difficult to implement.
Good Morning! I am submitting a revision with a more developed fortress and I have included a family in the diamond that harbored the shield. I truly believe the diamond concept is the best way to convey information uniformly. Please advise as to whether you enjoy this direction. I don't want to bore you with repetition, however, it is common practice here on LT in order to fine tune ideas. You are very helpful. Thanks! Let me know if we have achieved an "8" or higher on concepts and implementation!
Please be aware, that I don't give out 10's easily. The winner will likely be a 9. To make a ten, the designer will have to knock my socks off.
The family is a good addition. The concept is strong, but the implementation feels too much like clip art. I missed the buildings' meaning, but my wife got it immediately. Can the buildings and family be stylized a bit during final edit to have clear meaning but not look so prototypical?
On Entry #11, my concern is the color scheme. I can go with gold or burgundy, but the two together aren't thrilling. I am not a huge fan of green shades, even though they work for my themes, so I am hopeful that some other color works better. I just don't see it yet.
It is attractive. But I am not much on letter-based logos if other options work first. I want to be able to add partners to the firm and not change the logo. Letter make that difficult.
I've been away for a few days and hoped I could submit a burgundy version of the 1st ranked submission before the contest ended. Here is what it looks like.