You have picked up the themes very well. The drop shadow provides depth with a very small element. Nicely done.
The color choice is well within the description that I provided. Please remember that I have the artistic abilities of a four year old but the art appreciation of a college sophomore of that major. The problem is that you have done what I asked, but the green and cream do not turn out very complimentary, do they? To the extent that the cream is negative space on parchment stationary it may work. To the extent that it is a website graphic, I have my doubts.
For the shield icon, is there a fortress icon that might work. Hackneyed, I know. Or, if a shield, would one with a stronger triangular shape be more indicative of a shield such as appears at gear suggests to me "process" and "consistency." One of the greatest insults you can make of an estate planning attorney is that he runs a "trust mill," meaning that he charges money for putting the client's name on a form document and does it hundreds of times a year. I worry that the gear plays too much into this stereotype.