#40 we like the design, thank you… the "r" should be a little more defined ….also the small leafs might be a little to small for a biz card? could you keep the same concept but maybe tweak a few things?
we like #88 a lot… good work! we need a little more color…. could you change "health products" to a couple diffent colors...light blue? maybe another color that goes with the green… if you want to try a different green for "Harmony" thats ok too. (maybe gradate the color for Harmony" ? thx!
maybe if you curved the "r" a little more around the leaf on the right side (maybe curl it a little around the leaf? we don't know how to do it but if we could and it looks correct I am going to highly recommend your design… you really do good work! (if we pick your design will you do some color changing for the letters until we find colors that work?)
we just had a suggestion about the "r" … (just a suggestion…) can we go below the leaf on the right side make the curl look a little more like an "r" ? then adjust the left side to balance it?
i have uploaded the changes you may select/combine colours from design number to number so i can combine them and yes i can make the curl below the leaf and balance it as per your need, i will make the changes and update you soon
Thank you… we are getting closer… we can see the "r" now (thank you) but it just doesn't balance right??? could you take #108 and make the leafs under the "r" a little smaller than the leafs just above those? or make them a little smaller and the 2 above them just a little bigger? then you can give the "r" more definition …. (just a suggestion)
Ok … everyone loves where you are going with this logo….
if we take #115 and lower the "r" a little closer to the "a" on left side then lower and downsize everything above it same You see fit… and make the blue a "little" darker plz…
hi i have uploaded two designs one as per your request the r on left is closer to a and please note that the r on the right side cuts the letter m if i bring it bit down so i had to take off one leaf
Great!! #120 one last thing for now …. can you remove the one leaf right above the "a" and then make the lines on each side of the flower more even... we can work on a different fonts for the words "Health Products" once award. thx...
#127 100% of us say this is the one … we do have a request… plz add 2 smaller leafs at the bottom on the right and left sides. if you need to move the crown up a touch that will be ok… thx for all the help!!!
and…. #121, if you can make that last leaf on the left smaller and then put one on the other side like it (fitting in place correctly) that might work too?… thank you!
I would like you opinion … was just asked if the design can be gradated the word "Harmony" and maybe the crown above the words. or the crown is and the words aren't ?? what is your opinion? can it work or not? thx!
Once you select the winner, i need to attach the "EPS" file format (fully editable) and once you select the winner the client "you" and designer "me" we can communicate by email, skype or etc and work together if you require any further changes on the logo (like font change, colour change and etc)
EPS files are recommended files for graphic designing (logo, business cards and etc) i can send you JPG PNG PDF formats too
Thank you …that's what we needed to know…. we are having a meeting tomorrow afternoon with the owner of the site. at that time he will tell us his thoughts and we will tell him our thoughts…. we are recommending he hires you for this project.
We will let you know… if you have questions please feel free to ask.
you have been very professional thought out the whole process…Thank you!