Entry #4, Kinda of a nice design, however, I would choose a different color as this one is a little dark. Additionally, you misspelled Adjustors. It should be "Adjusters". One last thing, I think the font size of Adjusters is too small and hard to read. Nice effort.
Entry #22, Thanks for your effort but it reminds me of a gas station sign or fast food sign. Think legal, litigation, claims, insurance, mediation, arbitration if that helps.
Entry #26, lets leave the magnifying glass off. I like #26. I think the font on GWL is a little weak. Can you increase the width of the letters? Nice new design. Thanks for keeping them coming.
Entry #40 I really like this design. I would like to see the pyramid be larger than the rest of the the Logo. Just a little bit biger than GWL ADJUSTERS. The pryamid looks a little weak but it should represent a symbol of strength. Maybe the lines could be a little bolder. Great job!
Entry #41, Can we try increasing the width of GWL just a little bit more and/or darken the boarder of each of the letters GWL? I am wondering what it would look like to backfill inside the pryamid with some color?
I tried a few variations of coloring the pyramid. Is there any specific color you would like to see in it? I also made the GWL larger and darkened the outline.
Entry #50. I was wondering what would happen if you changed the color of the lines inside the pryamid from black to white? I like the blue but but it is hard to see the lines inside the pryamid. Please keep them coming.