#144 I'm envisioning it on our sign - still concerned that the funeral & line is too small - located in a strip mall - with a large parking lot - bigger still? thanks! like it with the yellow lily the best - my husband likes it a lot - I thought he'd think it was too girly but - it struck him, thanks!
Signs are tricky. Sometimes given the dimensions of the sign it's necessary to shift bits of the logo to fit in better. The funeral/cremation line could be moved, for example, to one side and stacked - if, say, the sign were a rectangle on its long side. The important part of the logo is the Grace and the Lily. I tried a blue background, but didn't get it in in time. Ah well. That's, ahem, Life, eh? <G>
So, you're still thinking, are you? Well, here's more to think about. The blue background (#151) - and a long landscape formatting that might work for a sign? (#155, #156) You will note that the Services font size is much larger...