Grace Funeral & Cremation Services PCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Grace Funeral & Cremation Services PC

Grace Funeral & Cremation Services PC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 235 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.


Logo Designer
Okay, so it's sort of yellowISH - but it looks so good with the green!

(This comment references Entry #92)
16 years ago
I love the lily - can you make the funeral & cremation line bigger though?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you! And as you can see, the answer is yes. <G>
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Naturally, of course, colors can shift further. Pastels are best, though. They're peaceful and calming.
16 years ago
#144 I'm envisioning it on our sign - still concerned that the funeral & line is too small - located in a strip mall - with a large parking lot - bigger still? thanks! like it with the yellow lily the best - my husband likes it a lot - I thought he'd think it was too girly but - it struck him, thanks!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh, it can be bigger still, yes. Absolutely.

Signs are tricky. Sometimes given the dimensions of the sign it's necessary to shift bits of the logo to fit in better. The funeral/cremation line could be moved, for example, to one side and stacked - if, say, the sign were a rectangle on its long side. The important part of the logo is the Grace and the Lily. I tried a blue background, but didn't get it in in time. Ah well. That's, ahem, Life, eh? <G>

16 years ago
Logo Designer
So, you're still thinking, are you? Well, here's more to think about. The blue background (#151) - and a long landscape formatting that might work for a sign? (#155, #156) You will note that the Services font size is much larger...
16 years ago
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