Hi, i am trying more balanced logo with stop light and more fun color, hope you like it, feedback is always welcomed and needed, especially if you want other symbol other than stop light or other font
IMHO italics letter doesn't represent the logo because it indicates speed, this site is is to teach people how to drive properly not speeding =)), just my 2 cent
We still like #53 the best - we think it's strong; like the lights in the "O" of "Go"; think the design will scale well to all our uses - it's among our favorite.
RE: italics - while it's true that italics look like "speed", it is a helpful design differentiator between "Go" and "Driver" - we get a surprising number of people who seem to read the logo as "God River" so everything that differentiates the two words helps. Your all-green "GO" is definitely enough of a differentiator, however - I don't think italics would add anything to #53.
You (#113) are one of our 4 finalists - sorry we couldn't get feedback to you yesterday; we had a technical issue with LogoTournament that temporarily closed our contest. We have selected the 4 finalists and *scrambled the order* (your placement now is not reflective of any rank).
WHAT MADE YOU A FINALIST - we like the simple design with the single styled element (the mouse cursor) - we like your choice of typeface - the "v" in Driver was commented on quite a bit - we like your use of our preferred green palette
FINAL FEEDBACK (changes that may make your entry stronger): - Please remove any drop shadow/background shading - background should be white - we understand shadows and background gradients can pump up a logo's look/appeal, but we'd like to evaluate final logos against a plain field
We are asking that you do not submit any NEW designs - please limit any variations on your current design to just one new submission, referencing the feedback we have gathered from amongst ourselves and our two focus groups (driving-age kids and their parents) and your own design sensibilities. We understand designing by committee can often lead to a less-appealing final product; we want to avoid that; but we also want to address major concerns that came up in our feedback tests.
Thank you very much all the effort - we have really enjoyed LogoTournament and have already recommended it to several friends. We will be making our final choice no later than Thursday 1pm New York Time (18:00 GMT).
Well i need to be placed in first ranked in order to submit any revisions or changes, i am available in next few hours, then you can switch to other designer in order to give them fair chance. My changes should be really quick.
Thank you very much for your participation - we made our final ranking of designs based on both our internal preferences as well as our testing among driving-age teens and their parents. All of the top-4 designs are great - we appreciate your participation!