Congratulations - we have selected your submission as our final design - based not only on our internal feedback but also our test audiences (drivers-age kids and their parents).
The second-place entry (
#148) actually works a bit better in our current site design - which has a strong color background. One last thing we'd ask is if you could "close up" #151 so that it has an enclosed white interior. IE: the car style element needs to touch down - however lightly - on the end "R" and the fonts need to be kerned in enough that they all touch and form a solid bottom border (or have the border be "thickened up" on the outside so that there is no white for the colored background to "leak in to").
Does that make sense? Thanks - and congratulations - your design was always on our short list internally - and reactions from our test groups always had your design mentioned as a 1st or 2nd place entry - it's nice when a personal favorite becomes a crowd favorite as well.
Please also let us know what your bottom typeface family/style is - we'd like to make sure we either have it or can go out and get it for several graphic navigation elements.
- WelcomeDriver Team