Maybe play with the fonts in both #30 & #31. We like both of these and think there is good possibilities with either of them. In #30 we would rather see the icon beside the wording, not a fan of it on top. Maybe play with different coloring, more rich, deep.
We like the overall look and feel of #43, #44, & #45. One suggestion would be to have the envelope first, the wireless signals in the middle (and perhaps even play with them configured within the circle differently) and then the cell phone on the right, as if showing the message going to the phone.
We would also like to see #45 reversed, without the black background. We like the green/black combination, just a little concerned with using the black background.
#100 -- Like the wireless icon much better, thanks! This is looking good, but I would like to explore a different color combination using dark blue, lighter blues/silvers, maybe a little black accents, much like the colors shown in this logo:
Would like to have the 'nudge' be bold (bolder, thicker than 'go') and be the darker blue/navy blue. Looking for something very 'corporate' and refined looking with respect to the color combination. Otherwise this is taking shape nicely.
#107 -- Let me see this one with all of the circles as the dark color and add in the line between 'go' and 'nudge' like you had in #43. Also I would prefer the lighter color blue to be a more silvery-blue, this one is a bit too aqua for my taste.
#117 is really close to being just great, we love the look but there's something with the colors that just don't feel quite corporate enough. Can you get the blue a richer, navy color? And then the lighter color needs to be something else. We've talked and all agree that it's really just the color combo holding it back, unfortunately we aren't designers so we can't be of much help. Think corporate and play around with it to see what you can do. This is definitely a favorite.
Can we see #117 without the light blue, try a totally different color. Keep the dark blue but try maybe a green, silver, black, anything that's still corporate looking.
#173 -- Can you change the circles to black, icons in blue. Don't use the fade, just solid colors for the blue and on the icons, all solid. We're not big fans of the fade. Thanks.