Get Ready CoachingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Get Ready Coaching

Get Ready Coaching has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 310 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.




































































Creative entry! I really like the spiral feature to indicate infinite growth. The fonts are outstanding. The character jumps outs as an x at first glance which I am uncertain how that fits for me. I like the geometric shape feature of the mini ovals. Keep playing with this one to move up neat the top of the rankings. The competition is wild at the end.
12 years ago
Cool stuff! Can you add multiple colors with #116 and 117? I like the variation of punctuation and efforts to capture the slogan/philosophy!
12 years ago
Entry #18 is another beauty. I will be working in a counseling setting, so I am not sure a book or playbook works. I love the rocket usages. Thanks for supplying so many original concepts! Wow!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
(Too many spelling errors above - It should read...)

Hi Coach,

Thanks again for the invite. I'm pretty sure I have wherewithal to put something unique and effective together for you. So, if I end up in the Top 5 portion of the contest, I will be happy to explore these or any other ideas you may have.

BTW, I hope you won't take it personally when I say that I'm not too convinced about the overall utility of the initials themselves since they do little to convey relevant meaning. I prefer instead to focus on the words "get ready". Great name! And those two words are truly brandable and offer a lot of possibilities, both linguistically as well as when conjoined with a memorable and suggestive metaphoric image.

It's late here but hopefully we can dialog some over the next couple days.

12 years ago
Thank you for not following the herd!!! Your explanation will help me savor your design work more thoroughly. I appreciate the thought that you are putting in as you relate your concepts to my venture. I see your work in a new light! I may have to take pause myself as the many aesthetic designs tug at different senses.
12 years ago
I will review again tonight and get input from my wife as well tomorrow. I am fairly set on 4 of the top 5. Your last comment is still standing out as much as any actual design. I am glad your shared!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Coach - kind words anyway;)
12 years ago
You have my curiosity going and have valid points! I will share them with my wife when she goes through the designs more thoroughly. Thanks!
12 years ago
Top 5 it is. You have moved past designs that I really like to take a shot at the challenge/opportunity of exploring the possibilities! Let me know what else you need from me. Good night!
12 years ago
Hi Steve,
I am checking in to see what you might have in the works. Thanks!
12 years ago
I like the retro rocket and the lit fuse or fire coming out... Wondering if there are new ideas brewing too...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
re. retro rocket/fuse: ok Coach - I'll give that one some more thought too...(didn't realize that concept was still in the running, owing to ranking).
12 years ago
It was the book part of the design that had it rank lower because I didn't understand the inclusion of the book in the design. The styling and lit fuse concept was great. My wife says that a whistle screams gym teacher or athletic coach instead of life coach.
12 years ago
I do like what you did to refine the design. Nice, subtle working in of the G! I do like your style! I went through
your portfolio again last night and have loads of confidence with what you can do with the get ready concept.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
It was the "target audience" part of your brief as well as a comment of yours asking for a whistle/G that got me going along that track, but your wife is right - that's probably focusing too closely on the athlete aspect to the detriment of all the rest.
12 years ago
I prefer 129 and 115 over the newest design. Anything cooking with the rocket or a new idea?
Thank you!!!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
New entries posted - #242, #243, #244, #247. Standing by for feedback...
12 years ago
The man in the cannon cracks me up every time. There is something to be aside for attention getting, but I don't think I could go with him. The other concepts newly introduced are great, but for now the rocket stays ahead. My only issue with the rocket symbol is the phallic symbol nature of it. As a concept for readiness, the lit fuse is very solid. Ready for extraordinary... :) It will come to you, I know it! I will keep ready for it! :)
If I have any more ideas on it myself I will let you know.
12 years ago
Catch a wave on top of the world...
Harmoniously riding the rapids down a river...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
For the record, Coach, I have no problem with the rocket imagery as being anything untowardly suggestive. In fact, it's playful aspect is very likely to appeals across genders and age groups. "Planes, trains, and automobiles", as they say, are universally iconic.

In any case, I have another thought or two brewing...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#265 - revisiting this general approach: I've mitigated the 'x' factor (ha - I couldn't resist). Words that come to mind are 'joy', 'enthusiasm', 'engagement', 'brightness', 'sun', 'aura', 'stepping out', 'moving forward', 'with strength', 'confidence', 'certitude', etc...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#272 - seems to me (except where needed for legal and/or URL purposes) we ought to be able to drop the word 'coaching' altogether and replace it with context relevant sub-text. "Get Ready" remains as the core branding element.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#275 - of course we love the suggestiveness here. And that is framed nicely within the context of your services by virtue of the fuse coming off of the word 'coaching'. Thoughts on this one...?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
(I'm thinking #275 should be a little higher up - I think it hit's the mark on a number of levels...;)
12 years ago
I am worried that #275 is just going to blow up get ready coaching! :)
12 years ago
****July 5th, 2012, 1:08pm For the record, Coach, I have no problem with the rocket imagery as being anything untowardly suggestive. In fact, it's playful aspect is very likely to appeals across genders and age groups. "Planes, trains, and automobiles", as they say, are universally iconic.

In any case, I have another thought or two brewing...****

I do not regret one bit moving you into the top 5! I thoroughly appreciate your efforts to capture "Get Ready" on so many dimensions and bring in smart, clear and fun elements to your design work.

12 years ago
****July 5th, 2012, 2:27pm#265 - revisiting this general approach: I've mitigated the 'x' factor (ha - I couldn't resist). Words that come to mind are 'joy', 'enthusiasm', 'engagement', 'brightness', 'sun', 'aura', 'stepping out', 'moving forward', 'with strength', 'confidence', 'certitude', etc...****

You definitely have a knack to say a lot with simplicity. Thanks for the additional background.
12 years ago
****July 5th, 2012, 2:44pm#272 - seems to me (except where needed for legal and/or URL purposes) we ought to be able to drop the word 'coaching' altogether and replace it with context relevant sub-text. "Get Ready" remains as the core branding element.****

Not a problem. I just thought of acorns and oak trees today as this is consuming me!!! It is hard to soak all this in, but the saturation of fantastic creativity is a thrill!!!
12 years ago
Time for family, but I love what you are offering!!!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Coach (what's you name, btw?) for your continued attentiveness and kind words.

Gonna take a break now to walk with my little one. I'll try again later to move up the ranks;)

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ha - great minds think alike!
12 years ago
Donovan Dreyer- nice to "meet" you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Donovan,

Working on another idea just now. Hope to post soon.
12 years ago
Get Ready:
In tune with constant change.
Foster full potential in life at every stage, moment.
No barriers between inner and outer, micro and macro.
12 years ago
Thanks for the latest. They aren't jumping ahead of some of the others you have created, but I will figure out where they rank. Another quick run through by my wife and she like about 2 of the 286. She reiterated that the old fashioned diner retro feel just isn't working for her. There are so many great ideas that I will probably just go with what fits me best. Your endless flow of ideas is amazing!
12 years ago
The last two are awesome! I would like you to have more time to let the ideas flow. I like my top 2, but you are very dialed into aiming for the right fit for me. I am not in a major hurry and will at least rotate you into the top slot for you to submit ideas. There is a three way tie for me right now for top designer.
12 years ago
I responded to your message.
With the rocket I wonder if an inner space and outer space concept can be created visually. Perhaps a softening in some way from the missile like version is possible. Perhaps (my wife would LOVE this) a jet pack on the back of a character with the lit fuse...
No fear!
Well some fear- we're human after all. Can we acknowledge the truth of it and face it...
This has been a blast! (Again, I couldn't resist)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Funny you (or your wife) should mention 'jet pack on back': it's actually in my rough sketches but has yet to materialize. Plug me in first sometime tomorrow and I'll have a go at that. I'll be travelling but will check in late in the day. I was just on my way to bed now.

12 years ago
I was kidding about my wife liking that idea. She would want me to play it close to the vest with my logo and not be too out there- especially not jet-propelled out there! My kids like the rocket and earth sphere best. Give me a window of time that works best and I'll slide you in to first. I will switch it late in the day for sure. Thank you! I plan on a doing a post about the experience when I have a final logo.
12 years ago
Hi again,
I have to trust that my wife has good insight into me and my venture. The jet pack is probably heading away from what to try next. Can we hit with attention grabbing that still conveys stability, professionalism and competence?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, Donovan. So which of mine is your wife liking most, in this contest and my portfolio - I can use that as jumping off point...
12 years ago
Don't jump!!! It is okay, we can solve this puzzle. She didn't didn't look through any of the designer portfolios. Her top 3 were from other designers. I am meeting with my marketing teacher friend for another set of eyes...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I have something ready that seems to capture most of the sentiments so far. It's not exactly the direction I had envisaged, but I like it and it is dynamic, professional, and appropriate. I'll be back on-line in about 2hrs. I could post it at that time (along with others depending on additional feedback...)
12 years ago
Deal! My friend says rocket/globe is hands down winner.
12 years ago
Top slot!
The one thing that my friend thought would be a cool addition to the clean grid of the globe is a mini Rocky Mountain to mark the spot (I am in Colorado). He asked if this could be done. I chuckled to myself and thought- "that's child's play for Steve!" Have fun!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Back on deck after huckleberry picking and jam - stay tuned...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
re. #303 - that was a great idea! Props to your marketing coach. (And if I do say so, it looks HOT!)
12 years ago
This one might be the first one of the over 300 where it feels criminal to suggest any more changes ('Stop searching for the red rocket, Steve withdrew it, this is perfect. Leave it alone!') There were other designs that went to the point of diminishing returns. This one may be at the "peak."
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ha, you're pretty good with words yourself - 'peak' lol.
12 years ago
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