this font is cool but i like the other one better cause i need people to be able to read it at a glance and the other simpler font better serves that purpose, thanks!
cool, i like the G. my concern is that font being so fat, will be super hard to read when it's small. and the font on grow - not feeling that, i like when the two words are weighted equally or almost equally. i like the colour of Grow, keep that, but play around with the font and size. i know you dont want to detract from the Gardener G, see what you can come up with, thanks!
what a cool concept! ok, can you make the plant G have a bar that goes inward, like a G usually has, so it looks instantly like a G? it looks like a C more than a G so it needs that little bar, for lack of a better term, stem? haha, pun!
not digging the fonts - would prefer something not italicized cause italicized gets too hard to read when small and the logo will be on social media and such where people are seeing it on their tinyass phone screens, so i need to make sure it can be read easily, super easily, that way. thanks! please keep playing with this, thansk!
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not digging the fonts - would prefer something not italicized cause italicized gets too hard to read when small and the logo will be on social media and such where people are seeing it on their tinyass phone screens, so i need to make sure it can be read easily, super easily, that way. thanks! please keep playing with this, thansk!