I appreciate that you created all these various iterations of your main design, i've included the ranked one in a survey, there's 3 hours left of the contest, i still like the ranked one best. you are super creative, though, i can see how youre so successful at this!
can you remove the line. id like to see a version of this exact one with the line removed, and one with the Grow right aligned and no line. cool? thanks!
thanks, you've given me every possible combo of colours and none of them really grab me, can you try making both words he same colour and the line in green, thicker but maybe tapered to match the art work style? thanks!
thanks for adding the stem on the G, this is the best imo. can you fill the purple box behind the big G in at the bottom rt corner, inside the horizontal stem you added? and...hate to say this, im not loving that purple here, its too i dunno, i dunno what it is! can you play with that colour? thanks!
i like the line on the rt side, looks nice. the colours aren't going to work, def needs to be some green there. green needs to be a dominant colour, probably. thanks!
oh, and the line after Grow...i see how it fits the weight and style but it seems too much, can you do something to it to lighten it up, like taper the ends or something like that? thanks!
This is my fave of these. cool design! im not feeling the red though, i like the vibrancy of it but it's too christmas-y, unfortunately.
play with some other colours? https://www.color-hex.com/color/66545e i really like this purple. not sure its strong enough for the font, but, play around? thanks!
Comment Activity
without line, and align to right
#230 #231 #232
best regards
#195 #196
#157 #158 #159 #160
#86 #88
#94 #95
please let me know
best regards
play with some other colours? https://www.color-hex.com/color/66545e i really like this purple. not sure its strong enough for the font, but, play around? thanks!