#126 very clever design ! can you make the blue of 'gamification' a little stronger going part way to blue of outer ring. the color of the ring draws the eye away from the text of gamification. a little strong blue will bring the eye back
#137 #138 well that didnt work to well ! thanks for trying.
I think we will stay with what we have thanks a lot and good luck. its a tough contest with many good designs it will take a while to sort and rank them all (need to get my kids opinion also :) )
If you are not the winner, I may be interested to come back to you with private message the design may be useful as a backup for presentations
In #133 could you move the 'The' above the letter 'a' - the same as in #128 just for comparison. Both my kids like your design the best with the small letter 'g' for gamification.but like better the positioning of 'The' in the other logo
Your design will be either first or second At the moment its a tough call
#211 thanks - that has made all the difference - this is the favourite
There is just one more question then
I would need to have a white background version (I think) additionally (e.g for printing on non balck teashirts How exactly would that look? would the white be converted to grey, black or another color could you provide a smaple of what this might look like thanks
#211 could you have one more version with the blue on the 'gamification' just a small shade brighter? It seems slghly darker on the text to the outer ring ofthe logo
#211 could you have one more version with the blue on the 'gamification' just a small shade brighter? It seems slghly darker on the text to the outer ring ofthe logo
the blue at the bootom of the logo not the top or center of the logo which is to light !
#213 the white background version the colors come out very weak would there be some way of fixing this on a white background to make this look much better
thanks for #212 - I will now be able to decide between #212 and #211
Perhaps the white background wont matter that much, I guess if I print on a teashirt then I can just use a rectangle around the logoelement in black instead of the whole square background that is on the display.
Will the JPGS when delivered include the whole square background nd also a cut our rectangluar background
Hope I am making sense ?
Sorry I am not a designer so I dont know these things?
you'll get the final EPS, JPG, PNG files (can filled with many variations or all in one files) the most important files is EPS files that can be used for printing in t-shirts, I don't know how the method of printing in sweden, but EPS is a general files that can easily used for printing :)
I think using rectangle is kinda good alternatives :)