I like this, perhaps if there were more green bits then red, indicating more wins then losses and using Blue for FX, Silver for Environment...a few permutations on that might be nice.
So..I submitted more designs..I hope you will not start again saying they belong to your or something...I noticed you put for everyone the same message...
Is it your way of working with others? You need to brush up and be professional...
We are collegues and we should be friends..plus if you have any comments about anyone you should use their own PM and not the area of communication between their designs and the CH...
Its not gonna bring you more prizes or more friends if you act like this with everyone...
I wish you good luck and all the best,
If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me or a MOD
wow, I truly meant no offense whatsoever...the site admin encourages (almost daily) that I should comment on the designs submitted that I am holding a contest for, I do not seek the prize...I am paying it.
This dialogue was meant for Wukasin as he is acting as if we are stealing his designs and you can see that all our designs are different..however he is for some reason writting on this page (but our page) to everyone though he should PM separately in order for this confusions not to come out.
I explained to him the situation and I hope he will comply in the future,
You are a great person and an objective CH, offering assistance when needed (as far as I could tell) so do not worry...
It was just a missunderstanding,
Kind regards and good luck in finding your best logo :)