#92 very interesting. Thanks for entering! My first thoughts are, the water looks a lot like the NBC logo only in blue, and the lily pad may be a little much ( i know, i have a stupid mallard as my current first pick - go figure), but generally, plants in a pond represent to us things we are trying to kill for our clients. they want their ponds to look like swimming pools. So..... with that said, before you go spending time on something else, what ideas do you have now? as you can see from the submissions, we are all over the board and quite frankly, if i could take elements from each design and combine them, that may be the perfect logo.
Here is another direction, I know no mascots, but a nice corporate mark that you can always add a character when the time is right. Comments would be great, Thanks for the earlier ones. Pat
#113 not so much emphasis on the TECH . It's one word. Nix your star bursts too. A little too starry for me. you should visit our website if you havent' already to see what we do. it would give you some great ideas!
#138 Mr. Tagg3r, first off, do you have a website? Second, how would you modify this for embroidery on a blue work shirt? We have to wear blue shirts because of the blue dye we deal with on a daily basis. I'm asking my top few for modifications for the blue background.
#138 There is a manufacturer out there called AquaMaster. They use a very similar logo, as does one of the lines we rep called Aqua Control. Take a look and tell me what you think.
#138 What cha thinkin Tagg3r? The only struggles I'm having with your entry is it's so very similar to many other "fountain" companies. That's why i asked you to look at those other logo's to see if yours is too similar.
I took a look at AquaMasters and their logo is just type, there site does have 3 fountain photos on there home page, so that is what I thought you meant, Sorry. Just looking at your site, some of those fountains are just gorgeous so that was the driving force behind my design.
Yea ,seems they have changed theirs a little. I saw what may have been one of their older logos on my competitors site, but after looking some more myself, i couldn't find that one. Aqua Control's logo is very similar too. Yours is just so "familiar" i dont know if thats a great thing (little to change in existing stuff) or a bad thing (cause i thought i was looking for something different). Do you think its bad to be similar?
Well to be honest, to close isnt good.... And to make it even harder on me, Is im shooting blanks on additional designs, Not to happy with whats on my screen, So Maybe a miracle might happen and I will get one infront of you before the cut off. Take Care, Pat
Ok idea man....... let me throw this at you. (and risk yet another change) Do you think that a emblem idea could cover it all? Or do they get too busy?
Well, I spent some more time on trying to come up with the visual solution for the logo for your company. And like the prior comments we talked about. I think its very important to design something that doesn't lock you in on just one aspect of your business. So thought what does all three divisions of the company have in common... Water! Very easy read no obstacles using visuals for letter forms, no fountains, cause you offer alot more then fountains, So hope that this simple approach makes sense to you guys. Let me know what your thoughts are, and we will go from there. Thanks for all the great comments, hopefully all the work back and forth got us to something that we both like. Take care, Pat
#225 i really like that. and you are correct... water is the common element. actually our tag line "solutions for water" is a little spin on words too. "solutions" refers to our ability to correct or enhance any body of water. whether its a new fountain, service on an existing fountain, water treatments for a yucky pond, blue dye to enhance the coloring or just regular maintenance to keep it looking good. (we also do lake bed aeration, which are pods located on the bottom with air being pushed through them to circulate the water) thats actually why i liked saturinus' entry, it reminded me of the lake bed aerators and it was outside the box with the contrasting color. thanks for hanging in there! i should have warned everyone i was a huge pain in the ass before they entered!
This isnt what we were talking about, but did want to get this infront of you. Pulled color out of the water, and made Type have the blue impact instead of the water....
Me to I really like those 225, 235. Quick read to the type, and water... To me says it all. The badges... I also agree with you, but wanted to get it infront of you sense you were wondering about that direction.
#235 and #225. i like those but after talking to my embroiderer, she expressed that this would be really hard to do with thread. anything "picture like" is tough to do with thread. how do we keep the concept and make it easier to stitch?