#89 better water flow for our fountains. how much should we mess with the colors? Im not too big on the orange ( i know its a goldfish now, but could it still morph as a simple form?)
I'll have a look - don't really want to change the shapes too much as it works well against the typography. I'll try some different colours but think the fish needs to stay orange (remember step back, try not to inject personal likes and dislikes especially colours as there is a distinct psychology to their usage :)
#94 You have been re-ranked! Your entry has grown on me and everyone else. Its simple, easy to read, still fun without being silly, and just works. I flipped back to your original water pattern though because it seems to flow a little better. I also like the lighter blue of the font. One of the guys in the office asked for a variation of the font, if you feel up to it, cool, if not, im fine with what you have there.
#94 Hey Sparkhaven, could you let me see what your design would look like on a blue shirt? We wear blue shirts because of the blue dye we deal with on a daily basis. How would you reverse the colors?
Hi Jeff - don't really want to change the font as it balances well as it is. Can't show you here what it looks like on a Tshirt as the rules state logos only but give me your email and I'll fire over a visual for you. Dark or light blue? In the meantime I can let you see versions on blue backgrounds here :)
No problem on the font. I am fine with it. One of my employees had just made the mention for an alternative. Your examples already provided are a good enough representation for me to see what it would look like on the blue shirt. Hope you had a great day!
New idea without the character basis. Strong and simple and straight to the point :) This is full colour version. Will upload single colour versions and black and white (advertising) so you can see how they look on a Tshirt etc.
Tweak to existing design. Styled fish with more of a flow and also changed font to match. Added reflective elements. Let me know what you think :) - Jason
#313 nice.... very nice. we could even take the green one step farther and work it into the second "wave" from the fountain spray. A little more definition on the side fin of the goldfish just to make it stand out.