#41 Well, i dont know what it is, because you really dont have all the elements i thought i was looking for, but i just love this logo. Is that all the same colors just on a white background instead of a blue one?
Thank you!!! The colors are only *slightly* adjusted. The blues are a half-shade darker to give the beast a little more zing. They are essentially the same, though.
#38#41 Ok saturninus, the others have finally edged you out. My wife loves the duck as do my employees. The mascot was the only thing missing from yours. Think you have a mascot in ya? I still like your edge, because i like how you stepped out of the box. Your logo reminds me of our lake bed aeration (which is actually a very small part of our business). What next?
Don't answer me, I found out he can see what I am writing. OK Now he won't pick me at all. NEW to this. MAYBE IF I BEG FOR forgiveness he will move me up!
I am soooooooooo very sorry that I called you a creep and other stuff behind your back. You are one of the nicest clients I have ever worked for. Not to mention the first. So please, I BEG for YOUR FORGIVENESS and ask that if you could just move me up a few spots if you forgive me for my stupidity. I promise that I will not write anything else about you that you can see. I am the creep for even thinking that you have no right to move me up or down. Although my stuff is really good. NOT AS GOOD AS SATURNINUS, but pretty good.
If you don't forgive me for my heartfelt apoligy then you are still a creep. Sorry!
#83 Still wrestling with the wings. Keep the fish and lets see what morphing you can do with the wings. Colors are awesome. Hopefully Mogo is having a better day today!
#91 i guess it just doesnt fit what it native out here. were in the midwest and a flying fish is so far from what we see and have in our waters. it may be too tropical. what about a sleek catfish? hell, i may just nix the stupid mascot all together. i have been getting comments that its not too professional. which actually does fit our company, although i would like to convey a professional company. confused yet? i think i am!
I actually like the thin letters better, just the lack of the flying fish made it better for me! Family is good. Had a nice mish mash of folks for easter.