Nice job Andy, not sure why it was so hard for me to come up with something with the "fo" and forrest but It seemed like it was obvious but like I said in the profile, thats why I stick to bending wire- thanks. I like #3 but I think I like 5 best.
Thank you, I will go now and work on that concept some more. In fact I just got a tooth pulled yesterday! So This is a reminder for me to work in the logo.
Sorry about the tooth- at least I dont do that part. I like 8 and 9 both. Think the fact that you eliminated one forrest simplified and made it a bit cleaner plus the orthodontics is then bigger which is what i do. 9 has nice effects. The interesting thing is this is far from my original design but fresh and a direction I like. thanks Kim Forrest
hey Andy, my e-mail is (day u.s.) or (pm u.s.) I can send you a jpeg of my old logo so you can see what we use on stationery and cards (its has braces underneath that are embossed silver) might be nice to incorporate into design. thanks Kim Forrest
Hi Andy I would be interested to see 36 and 37 with the braces going across where the grey line goes underneath forrest. I like the solid black of the font in these it stands out better. 37 is interesting because of the smile effect. thanks, Kim
did you get logo? If not, go on my website on the homepage under the map and click on "view logo" for the actual jpeg. Would like to see 8, 9 and 37 with the braces underneath forrest all the way thanks, Kim
hey Andy, can you move the braces on this on from on top to underneath the gray line, next to orthodontics- I think it will balance out better there and make more sense. thanks, Kim
Hi Andy, I really like the white f in the red box with the gray underline in #95. Dont really like the font that the forrest is in. Would rather see the lower case font like in #77 with the braces in there if we can get it. But I really like the top half of the design. thanks, Kim Forrest