Formentera PartnersLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Formentera Partners
Formentera Partners has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 760 designs
from 95 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are a private equity income fund in the natural resources space. Our industry is both Natural Resources and Financial.
Color Preferences
Blue, Grey - Shades that convey security, stability, strength. Feel free to add in complementary colors (not too many) that match the tone and feel you are going for.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
They have tended to like concepts that have use of initials or a graphic representation/symbol included. Maybe consider the symbol or letters if used in a manner that the logo can be broken apart in different ways. Ie. the symbol only or the name only. For symbols, some don't make sense to be broken apart from the text and that is fine also. They want a high end, non stock art design. Remember, this is both energy (natural resources) and financial (it is not a bank though - so no money symbols). They also liked unique type treatment concepts without a symbol (ie. Tesla). We are in the oil, gas, energy, wind energy, etc.. and financial industries. We are also innovative in scope/reach.