Hi fortunate, we are going to finalize this design. I would like to know if you will be able to provide versions with the symbol as a stand alone at final and also a spec sheet, along with the file formats PSD, AI, transparent background PNG, pdf - and any other file formats you think will be good to have. Also a spec sheet. listing fonts used and exact colors so we can match as needed. Final version would have 3 variations - words and symbol, symbol alone, and words alone.
Hi there, what I mean is he wants Formentera and Partners to be the same shade of Navy as the F in the symbol if they aren't. The only different color will be the triangle in the symbol.
It is hard to tell on the colors, but can you have the word Partners and Formentera (which we think it does) match the color of the "F" symbol. It might be the same shade, and/or one of the ones you submitted already is. My client is going for 2 color logos.
I can't tell, but can you make Formentera the same navy as used in the symbol. Client is requesting a 2 color logo as they have paired down their choices
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Sky blue (Partners)
Ocean Blue (Partners)
Azure blue (partners)
I will leave the name of color too...
We focus on color ..
Azure blue (partners)
Sky Blue (Partners)
Ocean blue (Partners)