This design has a cool retro classic feel to it. It would do well on our packaging and we could see someone dressed up in a costume at trade shows and other events as this character. We like the fonts used in #25 and like the tan background in #31.
This pig's expression looks a little serious to us. Any way to cheer him up a little?
We wonder if you could apply the tan background (as in #31) to the logo itself, but show it to us against white outside background (as in #25). Hope that makes sense.
Totally appreciate the detail you've added to this Flying Ace Pig! At first we thought he was holding a lit cigar, but then realized it was a plane that had been shot down! Cool! The hash marks on his lapel, the detail of the parachutes in the background, and the medal/snout treatment of the "O" in "Your" is not lost on us either.
We really like this pig. He's fun! He's popular! He definitely tells a story!