Florida Health Information Management Association - 2023/2024 LogoLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Florida Health Information Management Association - 2023/2024 Logo
Florida Health Information Management Association - 2023/2024 Logo has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 68 designs
from 15 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Bridging the Gap
What We Do
We are an association representing health information professionals. Our mission is to empower HIM professionals to have a direct, positive impact throughout the healthcare system by advancing the HIM profession through education, advocacy, professional development, leadership, communication and technology.
Our members are majority middle aged females with some college education.
Our members are majority middle aged females with some college education.
Color Preferences
Red, purple, blue, yellow. Would like a lot of color.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We would like to main focus to be the words Bridging the Gap. For the imagery we'd like multiple bridges going different directions with the the letters HIP in the middle. We would also like to incorporate our FHIMA logo into this logo somehow. We'd like lots of colors but something that could still look good whether in print or online.