Please note that the color "red" compresses really poorly on this website (and as a rule on most things on the screen) so anything with a lot of red in it will appear to be blurrier / blockier than it should be.
The final artwork of course will be in EPS (vector) format and very clean and clear. Thanks for your consideration!
Hi! Great job here. Here's some feedback. We like the idea of the feminine font for the logo. The heart and the devil tail are good accents. Would like to see the letters in flirt connected. And possibly try a capital F for flirt as well. Also consider a kiss or a pair or lips as an accent.
I will try a capital "F" for flirt, but I did that first actually and I found the parts of the capital "F" interfered with the "l" (and it looked messy).
Thanks for the quick response! Perhaps a different font then? We definitely love a more feminine font for Flirt. As far as a graphic, maybe a pair of lips or a kiss. Like the heart/devil tail element somewhat. Think along the lines of Victoria's Secret... Thanks so much!
New version with the same curly feminine font, but the letters attached together and a capital "F". I am glad you asked me to try this version, because I like it and I can't decide which version I like better now.
If I get time today, I will try and work on a silhouette image for this too. Let me know if you have any other thoughts.
Have you considered adding a book and/or photography element to the logo? A lot of the concepts I am seeing so far -- mixed with the name "intimates" -- sort of suggest that you sell lingerie, instead of what you actually do.
Great ideas!!! We'd love to see an example of the logo with a regular "i" and instead of the devil tail at the end of flirt, a heart put there. Thank you for all the hard work!
Entry 29 is our favorite so far as it's simple but cute. That's the one we'd like to see an option done from for the regular "i" and the devil tail at the end replaced. Thanks!!!!!
We love a lot of these concepts, but think that the strongest one is the simplest. This is a really nice concept and we'd love to see the variation we talked about above.
58 is great, but we would probably do the slogan as a different part of the brand display and not a part of the actual logo - we do love the tag line though! We'd like to see 58 without the tag line. We love this one. Great job on the "T"!
Would you like me to create a separate graphic for the tagline "his heart is an open book" so that you can use it with the logo and on other things? I was thinking something simple that matched the logo with the same fonts.
Thanks for the offer of the graphic for the tag line. :-) That would be great, but if you you would tell us at the end of the auction which font the tag line is we could purchase it from Adobe and be able to revise it in the future as things change. :)
Same design but the font made shorter for a tighter word, and a different color background choice (but really it can be placed on any color background).
I also thought the "pedestal/busiter heart" icon would make a neat icon to use when people are buying packages from you.
It could be recolored (for lack of a better example) gold, silver and bronze to show different packages. Like, bronze could be a simple book with a few photos; Silver is a little nicer book with a few more photos; and Gold is a really nice book with a lot of photos.
Thanks for giving the logo some more work. We've talked about it and we really like the simplicity of the first one. We thought about having the heart outlined as in the new one, but in the end, really loved the simple look of the first one.
Thanks for the extra effort in the design! We really like it!
Just noticed that my heart shape has some curlies and it is kind of similar to a heart shape in one of Schnick Studios' entries.
This wasn't intentional, I just made a heart shape using the curlies of the "&" symbol in the font I used in the main text (I like stuff to match). I just used the "&" symbol, inverted it, cut off a piece of it, and copied it to make two halves and tweaked it a bit, kinda like this: