Nice design... Looks a little too much like FedEx though. Re. the "Rx" We definetly want a reference to the "doctor" side of things but need to still stay focused on the fact that Fleet Doc fixes vehicles, in this case the wrench just appears to be thrown in.
#11 I'm looking for the logo to help define the uniqueness and freshness of the company. The lettermark represents the professional side of the company but puts it back in line with older more traditional companies like Pep Boys, Meineke, Midas.
Again, even with the different colors, it still looks a lot like FedEx. Maybe if it is set in some kind of "Green" reference like a grassy field or some kind of natural background it will look different.
2. We currently repair cars and trucks (trucks mostly), the vehicle and wrench option is great for the child co's thats why its still in 1st, but for the universal logo, with the wrench alone is not strong enough
2. We currently repair cars and trucks (trucks mostly), the vehicle and wrench option is great for the child co's thats why its still in 1st, but for the universal logo, with the wrench alone is not strong enough
Sometimes you have to be careful not to over think things and try to convey or bury too much symbolic meaning into an idea. I see things get over done like that all the time. It may make sense to the people involved, but if it's over the head of the target audience, then there's probably some opportunity lost.
I think the important thing is keep it simple and unique. Avoid trite at all costs. I've seen so many "DOC" named businesses with things like reflex hammers for home repair... HOUSE DOC, stethoscopes with computers... PC DOC, and even surgical gloves for lawn care... LAWN DOC. lol.
Just some thoughts for you. I appreciate all your feedback for my designs. I think I've got a solid and meaningful branding effort going for you here and I would love to win this contest and do business with you.
If you want a badge of some sort, I would focus on something like this with your full name in it. It can take a long time and a lot of advertising dollars to train the public to recognize a plain symbol, even if they're made up of familiar "clip-artish" shapes.
It's just got to click right away and attach a brand name with it in order to be effective. Just my thoughts.
lol... There is some very sweet candy to fall for. I like #153 a little more than #132 but without at least a little continuation, the C appears too detached from the closed end. It is difficult to associate the wrench with the C
I toned down the highlights quite a bit in this version and I also added a slight light to dark gradient (up and down) on both the Fleet and Doc parts.
The dropshadow is a little too dark on the white version I think. It's easy to adjust. I'm also thinking that the tips of the wrench behind the C need to be in the dark blue to stand out more. I'm also thinking that the white border around the cross inside the wrench needs to be elliminated. I have an idea for a simple effect for that and it should be fine. I'll upload a revision briefly.
Ok, well let's go with the eye candy version to help appease the judges. I darkend the tips of the C and I added a simple black/white offset for the cross. It's pretty subtle.
I took out the glass highlights over the text and kicked up the difference between the orange and blue gradients. I like how this looks, call it t-shirt style :)