Thank you for your designs...very nice work, and thanks for helping out this non-profit. I really like your rendition of the American flag with the design that has the curved lines around the Flag Campaign name as that adds dimensional dynamics.
I wonder what it would look like if the line curves were a little less, however at some point the lines would need to be either a clearly noticeable curves on straight lines, so your choice of curve is probably best.
As a graphic artist wannabe, I had originally envisioned the inclusion of a house graphic with perhaps a graphic-based family, but as that would potentially be a busy design and look too stock, I think you design approaches are better...cleaner.
My other question is, would the "Flag Campaign" text look better if it was bolder. Not sure about that as your design does move your eye to the flag first, and as an advertising technique, that's where the eye should go first.
Mint, The one other thing I am not sure about is that, the US flag in my first choice (curved lines) does not have the correct number of stars. While the US Flag Code is not a law regulating the use of the flag in designs, I am somewhat concerned that some users may feel that it is inappropriate to use the US flag without the correct number of starts.
I realize that adding stars makes if difficult to render at smaller sizes...just wondered what you may think about that....and thanks again!
I spoke with the found of RenovatingHope and he really like our current number one choice, but putting then number two choice's flag into that design would be best.
Regarding the question about the number of the stars on the flag - I feel that less is more when it comes to logo design. We can always use 50 stars once we have settled on a design (just to see how it looks).
Let me know if you want some further updates beyond the ones I have just provided.
Thank you so much! The CEO of RenovatingHope, Paul Hoffecker, liked the letter "i" as the pole so I put that first. But he wondered if the more dynamic flag, from the 2nd, curved line choice, could be worked into #1.
The thing I like about the curved line version is it is bolder and you see the flag first, so maybe the more dynamic flag form #2 in #1 will add more emphasize to the flag for the #1 choice.
Thanks for the additional designs, I'll discuss with Paul tonight when I get back from work and update.
I discussed the designs with Paul the CEO and Founder and we both agree that Client Rank 1st design (entry #15) is best.
Paul's thought was that the flag should be larger, but I realize that at some point, increasing its size, would make the logo look top heavy.
So we discussed making the flag larger and perhaps the word "Flag" a bit larger to balance things out.
I also mentioned to Paul that, perhaps is "Campaign" was italic it would fit better with the pole; however, I'm not fond of italics in logos, so I wanted you opinion on that.
FYI: Paul did not like the house element, and I think I agree with him, but thank you for taking the time to do that rendition. Chris
Thank you for taking the time to write this detailed feedback. I have to think about this for a little bit and see if I can accommodate any updates with the current designs (or I will create new designs).
I wanted to give this realistic flag a try (6x9 stars + 13 stripes). I have made you a few designs with the aforementioned flag and also a couple new layouts.
To me, 1st/#27 is very close, I'll talk to Paul when I'm back from work tonight.
Paul said he was ok with the flag not having a full count of stars but I asked him to check with a variety of his military contacts to see if there might be a negative reaction to that. I'm ok with less stars too.
From purely a design perspective, I think that the flag in 2nd/#15 is a a better design, as it has a "moving forward" feel.
I also feel that the darker red text color adds emphasis, but we'll get Paul's feedback tonight.
If you want to hold off doing any more work until after the 1st phase, please do so. And we are very thankful for all that you have done so far.
We are planning on using the 1st ranked logo (#27) with a two minor changes. Could you place the flag with the flag that has less stars, and could you make the world "Campaign" the lighter red color?
Mint, And, If you change #27's "Campaign" text to red, would you also change the color of the red pole to match, and as we want to use the American flag with less stars in 27, should that be a bit bigger, then as it appears in the 2nd ranked design?
Thank you. I'll reach out to Paul. Not sure if we will choose the final right away, as I do not know if Paul is out this weekend. But either way, Paul and I are meeting on Monday, so at the latest we will choose a final then. Chris
Mint, By the way, if you are interested, I mentioned to Paul about getting an update to the logo, so I may be putting up a contest for that.
The current RH logo was not created as an .eps, so we need to get that done. Probably not a redesign as the current logo is registered, but I think it probably needs to be a bit taller as it looks squashed to me.
Oh, interesting. Think it can be done taller by adding another red stripe at the bottom. The logo itself has some grunge/rough detail to it though and I can say it won't be the easiest of recreating a logo jobs (unless you have a large image then it is a like 2-3 hour job if you want it done properly).
As for me being involved in this, I am really not at liberty to discuss it until this contest is completed. There is a policy in Logotournament that bounds us not to offer or negotiate services during a contest. It makes sense, once you think about it.