36 could be worked with but what are you trying to express with the sash accross the continent? We\can't read it what it is meant to be. the concept is very clean and classy, but we need to express reliability, afordability , (simpleness and preofessinalism i find is in the concept) and much more emphasis on the FILE IT (and the web based part of that) rather then showing mainly Africa. The file lip is excellent, but see if you can give more of what it needs to express.
Hi! As we are on the final stretch, and still have #36 and #37 in consideration, could we work with you to see if we could get the continent to have a feel to it in addition to the great turned down edge of the page that we like?
sorry Kadri for my late comment. I am gonna make another form of my logo about File It Africa as soon., base on your request ....
my concept about it,
- exposed about Africa as a green continent - Make a shade or reflection color as a 2.0 style - Yellow sash across the continent to express the flow of file or just like color of file folder in yellow. Beside, fold of the edge of continet as a symbol of file. Related with 'File' it ...
and also if logotype or teks File It Africa too weak, if it compared with continent logo, i'll make another shape :)
Nice! However red with black combination seems aggressive and on a continent where conflicts are strife it does not work well. I like the placement of 'Africa ' on #162
It does look nice, but the request is: More specific - #162, please replace red with deep blue; (there is a reason we do not want to use a strong green like that) please end the topmost white line before it reaches the turned back corner (so that it looks like the white text is on top of Africa continent and does not run onto the turn back corner, as it logically sould not in that case).