Feral ThoughtsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Feral Thoughts

Feral Thoughts has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 117 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.


Hey thanks for participating
Love the fox one. I've been a bit reluctant about cute animals because ultimately the site is about controlling them (which often means killing). You've got the balance really well between cute and demonising the animals, which we don't want to do either.
The non-descript animal doesn't work as well, I don't think - maybe because I see too many Pokemon having two sons.
Love the bright version of the fox.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi thank you for your encouraging words. If you want any further revisions just say so. I will do my best to satisfy your requests. Goodluck on your contest and website!
15 years ago
Any chance that fox can look a tiny bit meaner?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are 3 revisions that i have made. Please feel free to make feedback on them.

(This comment references Entry #51)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Blue version. Thank you

(This comment references Entry #59)
15 years ago
Hi artman

Is this your first contest? Looking good.

I'm favouring the more "naughty" style of fox. In this one, he doesn't look mean or vicious, nor does he look too cute.

Would it be possible to make him look like he is thinking a bit more? If his left eye (our right looking at him) was a tiny bit more open and the closed eye a tiny be squeezed shut - like he is concentrating?

Maybe even if there were a few small thought bubbles coming out?

Sorry to play around; but it looks close to what I want.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes ajp, it is but I've been a visionaire and artist all my life lolz.
I am an interior designer, artist and draftsman here in Doha.

I am going to enhance my design now since my concept has been copied by others which makes me sad and I worry. I really appreciate your visions on my concept. I am more than glad to follow your requests.

Will post my new designs ASAP.

Have a nice day!

15 years ago
Logo Designer

Here is your request. I provided you with two variations.I have modified the highlightsconverting the white to yellow hue. Then made the Fox's left eye more open and the right more shut. Added thought bubbles as well. If you have any further requests like fonts and effects, feel free to let me know I am open to your suggestions.
Have a nice day!

(This comment references Entry #102)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Now that's an artist! I can see the transformation of the logo from beginning to end. The CH is right it is balanced especialy with the new ones! I find it rare for new members to win you are indeed very good on doing this.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi artman,
When I came up with my earlier designs such as #74, #75, #76 & #77 then you PM me that I followed your idea which was totally different by the way..I even mentioned you by PM you that my entries are very much different from yours but you didn't replied because you didn't understand..Then I re-submitted my other professional versions with a different unique mascot such as #96, #97 & #98 then you didn't even asked me & started a "LOGOCOURT" against me in which you've been defeated..That options was really unfair,non-professional & scary...

If you're talking about me about copying concepts then what will you say about this #27 & #34.You've totally copied him.

I must tell you that you are a non-professional artist who couldn't differentiate between different ideas. Try to be more creative instead of using fake user's opinion upon your design..Don't ever try to be more tricky by using these non-professional options.. As you can see the decision between your's & mine is crystal clear..

Obviously that would be your first contest thats why you got scared since I submitted my entries..So don't try to convince "CH" by showing your innocent behavior as you already loose the "Logo Court" issue.

Now I should tell you about my self that I'm also a professional artist working in a well known advertising agency, you can see my own logo in my profile which I've painted on a digital tablet...I have a professional background from ancestors..Can differentiate between two designs & a very careful person to appreciate other's designing efforts & creativity.

Everyone is working hard to satisfy the "CH" so better we should keep concentrate upon our works not create any issues without any mean...I still wish you good luck as you also worked well so do I & everyone in this contest...Would be glad about "CH's Decision" that whom he'd choose as his final winner.

No hard feelings & no personal matters but think better next time before starting logocourt against designers.

Hope you'll understand my words.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
By posting here you are not professional. You should have used the PM message. or replied through the logo court area. Anyway its not about the contest or money its about taking one's ideas that matters.

"What are your hands for without a brain?"

I am your brain. you are the hands...

enjoy your win!
15 years ago
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