FavaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fava

Fava has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 302 designs from 63 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


RE: #21 - this has some character! try replacing the orange with a lava red color. (we are not sure if orange is the color of choice for this brand)
RE: # 23 - there us potential there, change the fa_a to lava red and see what develops. the pods in the v may be a little hard to decipher though.
RE: #24 - funky font! but kinda detergent product looking, don't you think?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Great feedback!! Yes, that one does look like detergent now that you mention it. I will make some changes and re-post.

16 years ago
Thank you for your latest submission. #51 is on the right track. We would like more depth in the font, maybe through the use of shadowing or black or green outline for the font instead of the current red one. We would like to move away from a realistic looking fava bean pod towards a more abstract representation of it. Alternatively, maybe we can depict a single fava bean (without the pod) at the end of the word where a period would go.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, I will try to work on a more stylized pod and a bean or two along with adding some depth/shading. thanx
15 years ago
Logo Designer
beans added and shading for depth.

(This comment references Entry #123)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
outline added and no shading on beans

(This comment references Entry #124)
15 years ago
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