#27, Pirciu, I like what you've started. A few tweaks i'd like to see would be turning the fig leafs into maybe grape leaves. I'd also like to see what actual grape clusters might look like in place of the leaves, too. If you could flatten the name out too, so it doesn't have a curve. I'm not saying no to the curve I just want to see what it would look like a little flatter. I love the look of the angel, well done, the fat rolls are a nice touch. Maybe we can think of something else that he's holding besides the horn. A bottle of wine, maybe a fork and knife, or maybe nothing at all. I see us using the angel without the name on t-shirts, match books, bar napkins, etc. Great work, though! Keep it up!
I withdrew my entries because the angel with the horn is not my own creation, it's a clipart, and I think it's not fair for you to use it, but if you like it anyway you can use it like that or only the logo without the angel. Do you have a personal email?
You did not remove I removed the art work....copyrighted material cannot be used and any Contest Holder who does accept Logo made with copyright material could possibly face legal action.
This is why we have this policy her on Logo Tournament