#59- If we moved you to first place, would you be able to add some color to the design like the current first or thrid place designs?
Also, we will also need a business card template desinged to put the Logo on and would like to work with the winning logo designer to do so. Would you be able to help us with this if we selected you as the winning design? If so, would there be a charge to do that and if so, how much? Thanks!
Hi, thank you very much.. Yes, offcourse I'll give my best for you.. I also would love to helping you to design your business card, about the charge and other thing we can discuss by PM or my direct email..
We just moved you to first place. We would like to have you add some color to this logo to make it really stand out. Can you use colors similar to those used in the 2nd and 3rd place entries and re-submit as soon as possible?
Also, we need to know about the Business Card design template help. Do you want me to send you a seperate email? If so, what is your email address so we can discuss as we will need to take this into consideration for our final decision. Thanks!
Ok, thanks.. I just submit some variation for you, please kindly review #201 , #202 , #203 , #204 Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any feedback and request. You can corespondence me here: lmay83@yahoo.com