Hi there, Here are few of my submissions with a unique combination of "FG" to create a falcon icon..Clean, corporate & professional..I hope you'll like it..Any suggestion?
Hi, thanks very much for your submissions. We really like the elegance of the logo. (The company name and slogan are necessary, though, so #27 by itself won't work.) It's good to see both #25 and #26 working on white and blue backgrounds, which are the primary backgrounds we plan to utilize on the web and in print. The shadow in #25 is a nice touch, and #26 would work better if "printing" was the same color as "tomorrow" (so that the white-blue company name and blue-white slogan don't form a checkerboard sort of pattern). Also, the font choice is fairly good, but we'd like to see how it looks with a slightly more vertically-condensed, more modern font. Overall, though, we're quite happy with your ideas, and we're really looking forward to seeing how you can improve upon them. Thanks!
Hi again, thanks for the feedback & rankings..I'm glad you like it..btw I actually submitted #27 just to show you the icon as a graphical presentation...Ok, you mean you want me to change #26 the color of "Printing Tomorrow" all in white? Alright I'll show you other fonts as you required.
Hi again, I've done everything as per your requirement..Please check #69 , #71 with a bit vertically-condensed, #71 & #72 with a different font..I hope you'll like these variations..Please feel free to ask me if you need more variations.
Thank you for providing us with various options so that we can see how it looks with different fonts and colorations. We have tried all your versions on our website to see how they fit, and we've realized that, while the logo looks great on its own, it does not work together too well with the rest of our homepage.
The logo remains a good, elegant design. The main thing that all of us are unsure about is the "G" portion of the graphic. It doesn't seem to belong there, like it's too blunt and imposing, and it makes the whole design too large. Perhaps if the "F" part was more obviously a letter, it would be more recognizable as a letterform mark. However, we are not really looking for a letterform, so it seems that the better option is to either remove the "G" or change it to something else -- some other strong design element that conveys a message about the company.
One possible idea: What if you remove the "G", and instead of the letter "F" in "Falcon", use the inner curved line of the bird and make that look like a very curvy letter "F"? Then make the rest of the text a lot closer to the logo. Could you give this a try? It's only a suggestion.
Please feel free to try other ideas. We're looking for something unique and original, something that we haven't been able to imagine yet. We really like your elegant work here, but we've been seeing a few other excellent designs from other artists, so we want to see if you can throw something new and exciting into the mix. Thank you!