Hi, thanks for your submissions. We're interested in your style, but we have a few issues with the graphic you are using in all of your current designs (#120, #121, #123, #124, #131, #132):
1) We do not want our graphic logo to essentially just be a stylized letter. We need something more creative than that. Please replace the "F" with a unique design. Preferably something abstract (avoid images of birds -- we have too many submissions like that already). 2) (Applies to the first four entries) We're trying to avoid enclosing the graphic logo in a container, especially something as plain as a circle. We want the graphic to be "free" and unbounded, like in #131 and #132. 3) (Applies to the first four entries) In order to test how logos appear on our website, we need all submissions to be on a blue background, and having a much larger width than height.
Please take these points into considerations when designing new submissions. We're interested in seeing what you can do. Thanks!