You have really captured SPEED in your design. Looking for logo next to the text -- exactly as you have done. Please use myFASTbrain as the company name (no need to put URL underneath).
I think you could win this if you will quickly change out your ORANGE to SILVER or GREY or PLATINUM.
Also: Client added these reference sites whose logo he admires: FastGym: I like that they have a logo to left that is immediately recognizable and simple.
VelocitySports: this is what I'd like but that incorporates Brain. - See also on one of middle pictures the BIG V that has motion to it for Velocity Gym -
Nice work. We like #57 a lot, Daniel. The client is asking if you could have a look at these two images ( and try to incorporate a more realistic outline of the brain.
Additional comment: "I'd like to see #32 provide all the images they have but with better outline and I'd like to see what it would look like without the horizontal lines on the posterior aspect of the brain."