Thank you for entering the contest - since it's at a late date - are you willing to play with some more ideas in the next round? Since I have to choose 5? I like this but we don't have time to work it before this phase closes... so glad to see you again - do you still like the more purple logo as much as when you created it? I do - actually moreso -
thank you for inviting to your contest it's my pleasure to work with you again, sorry for the late entry I'm busy of a couple of days I don't have much time to enter a contest, but now Im ready to rumble hehe. Yup I'm still really like the more purple logo in fact I receive a lot of invitation some of CH really did like more purple logo. thanks again
Hi - okay - if you're ready to rumble so am I - so I'd start with coloring and font for #137 - in many ways, this logo has to have lots of shades of color - blended together - so it needs the purples, the blues, greens and it could have small traces of others like burnt oranges, harvest yellows and that red that you did in the more purple sphere... the font is also important - don't know if the purple and green are just too much in the font if we capture the colors in the logo -
Another thought is the shape - I kinda feel a bit concerned about doing another circle - not that it has to change - I just wondered if you had other ideas... this is going on a community site and I'll probably use elements of the logo to "head" certain categories - plus I'll create badges for different "growth levels" that are accomplished for people who visit the site...
I like number 163 - but I think my eyes are starting to feel confined with just purple and green -
As for other concept ideas... There are 2 basic ways of being that determine someone's ability to engage in what I deem self development. One has to do with whether they are closed or open and the other has to do with whether they focus externally and internally. You can see why #137 holds promise because I can define each quadrant as one of those... and of course there's a pathway and of course there's the person - so it captures tons of this.
The Self is made up of 5 layers - so that's where the color comes in - symbolically - it represents the complexity of a person...
There is the conscious and unconscious - that which is known in contrast to that which isn't - and Expedition Self is the journey to make the unconscious more conscious...
This is going to be a site where a whole community engages in the process together... another possible set of ideas...
Okay... so that's what I've got at the moment - let me know if I've asked too much or am missing your interpretation of design - please send me messages - I am open to dialogue about your thoughts - this is a really important piece of the site branding - of course you know that... thank you - feels like lunching with an old friend that I feel safer with given we worked on a logo before... :)
Just saw the two new ones - in comparison, I like the first one better - that's a hmmm.... for me - so the too much purple doesn't work... the slice between the legs doesn't feel like it's better either... but I'll keep looking at it - the purple one that is - funny, it's like shopping for perfume, at the moment, i think the colors are blending on me, will probably take a break this evening... :) thank you thank you...
I'm appreciating all of the symbolism of 163 - gosh - when I started going through it - it definitely has possibilities of it's own - the font is still an issue - what if we made it vertical with exp and self stacked and not in purple and green - or with traces of color - you really are great!
thanks for your feedback it really help a lot going to the right direction i will make a couple of variations fonts, color etc. thanks so much have a great night.
okay - just wow - they're beautiful - I totally like 171, 173 and 168 - like the font change - the more "artsy" the better - less chunky - more flair - I like it stacked on top - wonder what it would look like if the Self was beneath the Expedition and done in a script font - or an artistic one...??? other than that - we're good tonight - I'm gonna sleep on these - but I like them tons...
One more thing - I'm not going to rank these - it's easier for me to just keep looking at them here - than try to find them among the ranking - hope that will be okay with you - until closer to the end?
yup if its easier for you no problem, ranking are not so important at this time. We still have more time for revision i will make changes in #173 and #168 in a couple of hours. thanks
These are great - no more changes needed at this moment - I have 2 solid choices - they're beautiful really - thank you - if I wantedvartwork for one design but multiple color variations - could I buy each additional one for say $25 each. Again - I'm seeing lots of potential for this
hi and good morning, well I'm pretty much at the end and feeling like we're going with your logo... won't ask anyone else to make any changes at this point... of course, someone may come in with something but I think they're pretty done... so I do have a couple of things 1) can I get the artwork for the same logo done in the green, blue and purple... 2) can I get the name of the two fonts - so that I can use those fonts throughout my website 3) will I be able to get the complete artwork so that I have the ability to break the elements apart and use them throughout my logo - I think that also means the logo in 3 sizes and the adobe illustrator file...
Lastly, as for the design - I keep wanting to soften the edges of the actual circle, to smudge them or fade them off or make them feel as if there are no edges. Within the self development process, it's not contained, it's really non-linear - so the tight circle in this case - unlike in more purple - is kind of symbolically misleading... do you have any thoughts about how we might make the design feel less like it's got tight lines around the circle and more like softer edges - was hoping, you are really good at taking my input and translating it - that you might find a way to do that...
I hope it's okay that I'm asking for this last "experiment" but that's the kind of change that we'd have difficulty making here...
Yes, you did give me a sense of it - and it doesn't work as well as the previous one - so we're going to stay with the one in first place - I'll plan to end the contest this afternoon when I get to my next destination... thank you again... could I know a name or do you want me call you Enzyme, thanks -