Hey nong, thanks for working so hard to give us additional versions of this. We didn't feel it is going to ultimately work. Very pleasant idea but we were hoping it morphed into a symbol but it didn't work for us. Thanks!
Can you lower the perspective just a little bit on this? Alternatively, could the E and B sort of merge together / over lap to make a joint icon? I'm not sure if it would work but I would be interested to see it. Also, could we attempt this to the left of the name?
This is a neat little idea you have stumbled upon. Could you expand on it or make the E more prominent? Maybe with some shading or gradient or something to make it less flat feeling? Thanks!
Sorry for our delay in responding. We were spending time with family for the holiday.
This is the closest to the proportions of what I was trying to relay. This is a lower perspective where I wanted to see a higher perspective similar to a chevron result. This is like an upside down chevron. Could you adjust the perspective?
Ok now this might be what I was talking about (sorry, going from newest to older in comments because that's how it present it to me). It might ruin the appearance of the E but I almost wish that the 2 rectangles were exactly the same size and angle and everything. Could I see a perspective like that? I guess where I am getting at with this request would be for uniformity to the positive shapes to be sort of an icon while still creating the negative space appearance of an E and B
I saw newer version before I saw this. Equal level might work as well. But I feel like they need to be equal on both sides because the E looks like a much larger letter than the B. The perspective might work here but I would also like to see the vertical meeting point drop further down to have a higher angle perspective (hope that makes sense!)
Can you take where the E and B meet vertically and pull the perspective down a bit? I feel like the E needs to be above the B like in your first revision. I think the lengths of the blue and orange need to be more equal as well for this idea to work.
Hi nong, this has been the first EB version we have ever considered. We like that it uses negative space. Could you take this same idea and create a negative space EB, but also making it in the perspective of a building (if that makes sense)? Thanks!
Hi nong, thank you for this submission. The font is in the correct family but perhaps try a different font? The simplicity of the icon is fine, but it is not a fit for us. We hope to see more submissions from you. Thanks!
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Could we explore some new ideas as well as the comments in #807. Thanks!
This is the closest to the proportions of what I was trying to relay. This is a lower perspective where I wanted to see a higher perspective similar to a chevron result. This is like an upside down chevron. Could you adjust the perspective?
It is actually an abstract building (3-strory) formed by EB (negative space).