ha! I used this image in my own initial attempts to make a logo. My efforts were lacking, but yours is promising. I'm not sure about the main tree or the font though. Can the main tree be made more "oak" like? #12
Great revisions! Thank you! I like both #112 and #110. I'm still not sure about the font though. Maybe something sans serif. I do like how you used a different font for "studios" So I like that concept.
#127 (and the version in black #126) is lovely. I like the concept of making it look like a framed print and the simplicity. Thank you!
I'm still not sold on the font. I'm not sure i like the font used for "studios" I wish I could explain what I like, but really I only know it when I see it paired with the complimenting graphic. The font used for "eureka Canyon" is much closer however.