We like the font on this one (#17 - #19), but not the lines going through the "cool" part. It reminds some of something an air conditioning company would use. We like the concept and the colors but it needs a little something extra.
We really like the new variations that you have submitted. Can you make the header it's own separate item but have it flow down into the border like you have it and then have a separate "c" for the "cool" part. We feel that it might be too diffcult to read the "cool" part as you have it, but we like the concept.
We also like how you are using a different font for "endura" and a different font for "cool." When you make the changes above, can you do one with the "c" separated from the first "o" and then can you do another one with the "c" flowing into the first "o".
We currently like the coloring of #49 better than #48, so please make the changes using #49.
The changes with #53 came out very nicely. We may have you do a few different minor modifications after a few people look at it tomorrow and Monday. Thank you for your work!
Can you do a variation of #53 with "Performance Coatings" added to the design as a tagline somehow. We wouldn't mind seeing a few different location options. The tagline should not overpower the current design. Thank you!
We have a few more requests. Can you make the "Performance Coatings" text in #89 a darker shade of gray so that it is easier to read.
Also, on #89, can you make the top of the header (called the flange) a darker blue and then have the header and the wrap around border fade to a lighter blue at the end. Very similar to how you have the blue fade from dark to light for the border around the "endura" portion. We want to see if that looks good or bad.
#104 is the logo that we will be using on our website. Can you please duplicate #104 in all white on a black background. We may want to use a version of the logo on t-shirts this way and want to see how it will look first.