I would like to see #21 with "elsie garden" written in lowercase to mimic the large lowercase letters that form the logo. Also with a less round script font.
yes- much better- maybe we need to do the "g" as a capital letter though since it drops below and also since the logo "g" is a cap? I like the script font less in this one than in the original- maybe because i liked a capital letter for the "c" ? sorry to be a pain, but could I see a 3rd choice? thanks!
Here are the changes for #23. Changed out the script font, let me know if you like it or not. I will make as many changes as you need, so don't apologize, that's what I'm here for. John
eg3, I have posted #61 & #63 earlier this morning with a clothing tag concept to get across the clothing store, let me know if this is something you were going for. Thanks John