Hey Nando - I like this design but let's not do any of the ones with the leg up on something. Thanks for giving me so many designs. Let's try it with all 4 legs on the ground and then just adjust the shape of the elephant and add some detail to the face and head. You can look a the photos I attached of real elephants for ideas.
I like the look of your elephant, the angles, the size of the legs. The font also looks good. I like that you took that idea of stomping on something but now I'm realizing my company isn't really offensive - we aren't going out to get "bad guys". We are protecting against them. But I like the look of this elephant. I'm going to upload some photos of elephants I like. This is going in the right direction - I would just take out the thing it's stepping on. And if you have the time maybe give the elephant's body and back a little more shape similar to the photos I upload.
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