Can I see this one in a more vertical standing position similar to #2 that you made? This one, 42, looks like it's walking or leaning forward and I like the feel of #2 more.
I had some friends look at the designs and I agree. I like with the word Elephant in the logo. So let's keep the full "Elephant Security" in any future designs.
I like that you also did a more realistic looking elephant as well. I'd like to see this without the lines and also an elephant that doesn't look like it's moving. More like the movement / activity level of your #2.
Thanks for doing this one. I think I like your first one better with the legs less spread out. It's amazing how a small thing like legs more spread out change the entire feel of the logo!
Interesting! Thanks for taking off the world Elephant. I think it does in fact need that word to reinforce that Elephant is part of the formal name. I don't think it needs the lines behind it but I do like the legs on this one more than on #2. Could you combine the lettering of #2 with the elephant from this without the lines? I want to see what that looks like.
I suppose that motion is kind is actually how I think of elephants. Whenever you see elephants on videos they are always slowly moving toward their next destination. You rarely see them doing nothing, either bathing in water, eating, or moving on to the next thing.
I like the proportions of the elephant, ears and tusk, etc. Do you recommend always having the entire name of the company in the logo? What if we didn't have the word and it was just a picture of an elephant w/ security. I do like that this existing logo feels very grounded and we might loose that a little without the word elephant.
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