Eiselein & Grubbs, PLLPLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Eiselein & Grubbs, PLLP

Eiselein & Grubbs, PLLP has selected their winning logo design.

For $600 they received 493 designs from 52 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We're lawyers representing people injured by the malpractice or negligence of doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.
Color Preferences
blue, dark green, orange(?) but no red, white or black


Order by
Entry Number











































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We're not wild about "scripty" font. No offense, but I think it's a little to feminine for the image of aggressive advocacy that we hope our logo (and ultimately our website) will impart.

I'm still hoping that someone who will build in the words "experience" (or "experienced") and "commitment."

Would you all be more comfortable if I came up with a "motto" that you could try to work into this logo?

I appreciate all your work so far. Keep 'em coming. I'll look at them all and give feedback to each of you.

15 years ago
It's starting to become clear to me that we like the simpler logos best. Good examples of this in my mind are #23, #77, # 88, #82. The really stylized "EGs" are cool, but I think they're too hard to read.

I'm really amazed at the quality of all of your work and I appreciate all your efforts.

I've rethought the words and would like to see some logos with just the words "experience" and "commitment". Thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi CH, check all the pages please. You havent ranked almost all the logos we've submitted. Thank you!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi CH, could you please take a moment and review how ranking is done, thanks so much:)

How to Rank and Thank Designers: When it comes time for final rankings, designers appreciate when you choose the top three CONCEPTS (as opposed to variations of the same design) for the gold, silver and bronze awards. If you want to rank two different concepts by the same designer in the top three, that's fine.
Also, rank as many entries as possible, because designers get points added to their overall site standing for each blue ribbon they get.

This is how points are distributed:

1st place - 50 points
2nd place - 20 points
3rd place - 10 points
4-6th place - 5 points
7-10 place - 3 points
11th+ (you can rank as many as you like) - 1 point

After that, each ranked entry gets one point for the designer. Nobody will be insulted by being ranked last, the points are still good! So if you pull some entries out of the "Not Interested" group and give them a rank, the designer gets some benefit from entering your contest.

Hope that's helpful, lots of contest holders don't realize this and most are glad to know. It's a good way to thank designers who don't win the contest prize, but who worked very hard to offer you lots of options to choose from for a great logo.

Good Luck!
15 years ago
Dear Dogma:

I'm new to this whole thing. I'm amazed at the amount of effort and the quality of the work done by all the designers in this contest. I want to do what I can to make sure that even those who don't win the prize are rewarded for all of their excellent and hard work. Your words of advice will help me do that. THanks !

15 years ago
To all designers:

Barring any exceptional new concepts, we are narrowing these down to the point where we will be making a decision by Monday, July 27. We will likely be ending the contest early on July 27.
Here's what i'd like to see: your designs in dark blue and black only; your designs in black and gray and your designs with the "EG" to the left side of the rest of the design. Your work is excellent. I'm anxious to see what you come up with.

15 years ago
To all designers: I'm going to rerank the top spots in a few minutes. Then, I'm leaving town until Monday morning and won't be giving any feedback over the weekend. This has been an amazing but time consuming experience for me. I have to get back to what I do. So, we will probably be ending this contest on Monday afternoon.

Thanks for all your harwork, creativity and originality.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH,

We are be more happy if you manage our works better than currently you do. Just throw all our works you don't want and oldest variation of current designs to 'not interested'. Let me call it 'untold direction'. Don't forget to check all newest design we've submitted. For now, I just feel there are so many kind of unimportant 'spam' design in your pages, its useless for us to find a great improvement for you. Manage us as good as you can, and give the rest to us.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi....mike feedback please
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH,

I think we all here are understand how hard to be CH, especially when you should eliminate all 'improper' great design. However you should do it as soon as possible. And I believe you feel better now with no 'spam' design anymore in your pages. Make you easier to manage, and also easier for us to read your ideas better and better. Thank you very much for currently pages... :)
15 years ago
Let me say something to all of you designers. You're a talented and interesting bunch. You work really hard and I appreciate it. However, ranking and critiquing your wonderful designs is not all that I do. I have a real job. This contest has almost 500 entries and I'm just one guy trying to practice law and pick a logo from a bunch of great designs. This will probably be the only "LT" in which I am a "CH" trying to get a Logo for the rest of my days on this planet. I suspect that's what most of us "CHs" are - first and probably last-timers. I don't understand your rules, ethics, design disputes or "Logo Court." I told my law partner today that if Martians came down and tried to design a "Logo Court" , it would, well, look like "Logo Court." One of my favorite designs gets kicked off my contest without any input from me, or even an explanation. Yet, when I look at some of my favorite designs, I see "simililarities" that some of you might call them something else. But how could there not be similarities? I give you an "E" and a "G" to work with - that's it - there's bound to be some "serendipitousness" among the ideas.

Why don't you submit your best ideas - you know what they are - relax and help CHs figure out how this works. It's NOT helpful to see dozens of subtle variations of the same design. It's just plain overwhelming. Be more patient. CHs will appreciate more guidance from Tyler and LDs and less "rank me, rank me."

I don't think that the solution is more regulations from "Tyler." I've read about most of the proposals for change. If you implement them, you'll become a nation of bureaucrats instead of a nation of free-thinking, talented designers. Self discipline is the key to avoiding a regulatory scheme that will stifle your creativity.

This website is a great concept. I have no doubt that I could have gotten a logo from a local designer for maybe a little less money, but I would never feel like I had gotten every last ounce of effort out of any single designer like I did all of you. This has been a great and interesting experience and I've certainly learned a lot about human nature.

Thanks to all of you for a great experience and a great Logo for my firm!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
"Self discipline is the key to avoiding a regulatory scheme that will stifle your creativity. "

I agree...thanks for saying it!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
However, I think you made a popular decision by putting Fernando 'kicked' design in your top rank! I don't know Fernando too much, but with no doubt I appreciate to what you've to do, CH. Thank you.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much CH! for the rank, you know about justice!

Thank you again, Fernando.
15 years ago
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