I'll work on these... I did want to mention to you that the entries in your contest are beginning to sport colors that are difficult (or impossible) to reproduce in print. You shouldn't run into a problem embroidering many these designs, but printing is another thing. Brochures and other 4 color (CMYK) print processes will not display color so vividly, in fact some colors will be quite dull by comparison. There are ways to achieve printed neon colors, but it's very expensive and you'll actually pay per color.
The colors in
#81 are all reproducible in print.
The bright pink in
#90 can not.
The bright greens, bright cyans,and bright pinks, and colbalt blues in
#178, #189, #190 (for example) can not be duplicated in print.
I don't know how much you'll rely on print, but it's something to consider when looking at the colors in the logos.