This is great - We are happy to proceed with this logo as our Winner! After we confirm that, do You also issue a variation on it? (ie same logo, with no tagline text)
This one is really good.
On the Sun device, can You return it to the original orange gradient that You had through it, but on the EME text can You do it in a bright yellow please?
Can we please see how the ELECTRIFY ME tagline could be incorporated into this logo? Can we please also see the E's with a vertical spine to them for readability? and a curveball colour like Hot pick for impact! Thanks a lot
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Great job
On the Sun device, can You return it to the original orange gradient that You had through it, but on the EME text can You do it in a bright yellow please?
Before we confirm this as our Winner, can we please see the same one, with EME in bright yellow?
And can we see E-ME in 1 colour Thanks
Also some solid colour options, vs the gradients