Hi Francesco,
Thanks again for all the hard work you put in! I am glad someone was able to come through with my direction. Would you be able to send me versions:
#206, 205, #273, #167, #152, #183, #190, #256, #207, #191, #181, #172, #165, #160
I am thinking I can use some of the artwork on some of these for Tshirts and maybe other print materials. For the winning versions
#271 and
#300 would you be able to pinch the letters a tad bit closer, I think I am going to go with this as my final version, but I might mess around with the colors a bit. Please send to phatpat10@gmail.com as well as your portfolio link. Also The newest ones you've sent me I couldn't open it as it was saved in a newer version, would you be able to send for Illustrator CS3??? Thanks again looking forward to hearing from you.